This site is under continuous (re-) construction, update, & modification.
ANY and ALL parts should be considered under review and in a state of flux
and NOT necessarily 'the FINAL wording', and should be received and
taken and understood and used (or not) with that in mind.
Replacing beliefs with personal knowledge
based on truth, facts, reality, and science
is the ultimate goal of the truly wise,
and of advanced human civilization.
— William H. Donnelly
Disclaimer: Read it!
Anecdotal, Empirical, and Informational
Stories, Articles, Websites, and References
Regarding the Efficacy and Use of MMS
& the McVegan Dietary Lifestyle
Some effective or actual testimonials are on this page. Some are on some of the other pages, interspersed. Sometimes we mention and link to testimonials on other pages and vice versa. (instead of doubling up the information, although that can occur, too)
My Personal Health Quest & Journey (in progress)
Jul 28, 2018
I will try to keep this short and sweet, but I want to be thorough, so, fasten your seatbelts, it's going to be a bumpy ride. It is a bit long, so I am putting it on its own page: My Story.
McVegan Testimonials
You will find testimonial after testimonial after testimonial on the McDougall website, out of
the MANY hundreds of people he has helped with his "diet". People who claim that they have had
restoral of health, weight loss (including reversal of obesity), and diseases and illnesses
cured, like: (they can use the "cure word" because McDougall is a medical doctor)
- Arthritis
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- High Blood Pressure
- High Cholesterol
- Heart Disease
- Related Heart Issues (cured and reversed)
- Type-2 Diabetes
- Cancers (Various Types)
- Ulcers
- Colitis
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
- Crohn's
- Other Gastro-Intestinal Issues
- Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
- Migraines
- Eczema
- Other Skin Issues
- Lupus
- Fibromyalgia
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)
- Lyme's Disease
- Other Chronic Diseases
- And Many, Many Others
MMS / CDS / CD / ClO2 Testimonials
You will find testimonial after testimonial after testimonial about MMS similar to those for the McVegan Diet, video and textual, including helping out with all or most of the issues listed above, and others. (including colds, flus, allergies, pain-inflammation, and Autism Spectrum Disorder (see below), and even lung problems (COPD) and traumatic brain injuries (TBI; regenerative), which is kind of difficult to believe, but true (with medical records to back up the claims) There are also many other written and video testimonials that can be found elsewhere and through web searching.
NOTE: Due to The Great YouTube Purge, some of these videos were
unethically removed by YouTube for no good reason. We will try to give an alternate source when
and if possible.
MMS Testimonials on YouTube
(removed and no longer available)
Most or all of the testimonial videos are now available through the link below.
• MMS Video Testimonials on Bit Chute
"Official" MMS Testimonials Website
(MANY testimonials organized by illness and disease category)
COVID-19 / SARS-CoV-2 Novel CoronaVirus Testimonials
Fascinating ASD Testimonials and Health Restoration in an Online Book PDF Document
"Healing the Symptoms Known as Autism" – Second Edition —
by Kerri Rivera, et al.
(~11 MB PDF E-Book version document)
Kerri Rivera's Website
Kerri Rivera's Website: Testimonials (ASD & others)
Autism Page at the "Official" MMS Testimonials Website
Autism Testimonial Videos at BitChute
Treating Autism with MMS - Testimonial 1 of 10
Treating Autism with MMS - Testimonial 2 of 10
Treating Autism with MMS - Testimonial 4 of 10
Treating Autism with MMS - Testimonial 5 of 10
Treating Autism with MMS - Testimonial 6 of 10
Treating Autism with MMS - Testimonial 7 of 10
Treating Autism with MMS - Testimonial 8 of 10
Treating Autism with MMS - Testimonial 9 of 10
Treating Autism with MMS - Testimonial 10 of 10
One Moms MMS Autism Story August 2012
German English - Recovered from Autism
German English - Autism Recovery and MMS
This Site's Visitors' Testimonials
Testimonials to come....