This site is under continuous (re-) construction, update, & modification.
ANY and ALL parts should be considered under review and in a state of flux
and NOT necessarily 'the FINAL wording', and should be received and
taken and understood and used (or not) with that in mind.
I am in favor of animal rights as well as human rights.
That is the way of a whole human being.
— Abraham Lincoln
Companion (& Other Non-Human) Animals
Disclaimer: Read it!
Cat and Dog and Other Animal Health
This section will be expanded. But, basically, all of the things and types of things, diseases, illnesses, sicknesses, "incurable" and otherwise, can be "cured" for non-human animals using MMS, as well. From simple things, for cats, like upper respiratory issues, to cancers, to most likely FIV, FIP, FLV, and for dogs, distemper and flu, and other issues like that, that are currently hopeless. (and end in death or euthanasia) We would not even be surprised if it was able to cure rabies in non-human animals, and probably human animals, as well.
There isn't as much information about non-human animals as there is for human animals. But hopefully that will change in the future. There is info about how to use MMS for non-human animals in Jim Humble's "MMS Health Recovery Guidebook". We will try to include as much additional info here as we can find to help people Restore the Health of their animals.
Unfortunately, most likely all veterinarians (with a few lucky exceptions) will most probably
not help people in the treatment of their animals with MMS. There are a few reasons for this.
1) Most of the vets will not "believe". It starts there.
2) But they also have to be careful doing things outside of the auspices of the
rules, regulations and laws under which they are constrained (AVA - American Veterinary
Association), or they could lose their license to practice.
3) Some will consider "ethical" issues of using untried treatments that are
'not scientifically based' (in the traditional, formal and mainstream senses), etc. (though they
are perfectly willing to euthanize an animal without even trying a "last ditch effort" to save
its life first, or to "cure" an "incurable" illness, etc. — that is why the word "ethical"
is in quotes)
4) And then there is the possibility of a malpractice lawsuit in case of death
or injury to an animal from "professional negligence". (not from MMS, of course, but probably
from starting too late, or not following protocols, or because it's not an "exact science", etc.)
These are similar to issues regarding human doctors and their patients. (which is why it is
difficult to get human doctors to work with you, as well)
Treating FIV (& other illnesses) in Cats / Felines
I talk about my treatment of my cat's FIV
(Feline Immunodeficiency Virus)
on the My Story page. The specific section is
Cat Story. I have gotten near-miraculous results and am VERY
happy with the outcome so far. MMS works MUCH better than antibiotics.
Curing Bacteria-Based Illness in Cows
Although we do not support the use of animals for food and food products, this video is a good example of the efficacy of MMS when used with non-human animals. At least they are saving cow's lives and preventing suffering, even if that is to keep them in the rape-exploitation system that is milk production. It is a very interesting case study that is at least an encouraging testimonial as to what can be accomplished using MMS. As usual, the results are amazing and somewhat miraculous. If it works this well in this scenario, think what it can do for companion animals.
This video talks about mastitis and Mycoplasma bovis bacteria, which is a particularly nasty bacteria, that can cause mastitis and other illnesses. Here are some recent (early 2018) articles about (UNNECESSARILY) killing over 100K cows in New Zealand that is mentioned in the video: New Zealand to cull more than 100,000 cows to eradicate Mycoplasma disease and New Zealand is about to use the nuclear option to beat a dairy-cow disease.
NOTE: Due to The Great YouTube Purge, some of these videos were unethically removed by YouTube for no good reason. We will try to give an alternate source when and if possible.
• Saving the Cows of New Zealand with Chlorine Dioxide
A Dog's Story
This isn't a great video (as in 'polished'), but it gets the idea across. It's a testimonial
about how a woman did her best to help her beloved dog, who had a very serious illness (either
inoperable or unable to afford treatment), rather than just giving up and euthanizing her. Using
MMS, Nancy Gurish was able to give her dog a MUCH better quality of life and extend her
life. She also uses MMS for herself and has quite a few videos about her use of MMS.
You can use this search to find most the pertinent videos among the MANY videos on her channel.
(which was deleted, but someone uploaded most of the MMS videos again to a different YT channel)
Nancy Gurish YouTube Channel Videos (Search: MMS, Mineral (Solution), CD, CDS, Sodium
(Chlorite), and (Chlorine) Dioxide — NOTE: due to Google search acting the way it does, it
does intersperse other links that are not affiliated with her channel)
NOTE: Due to The Great YouTube Purge, some of these videos were unethically removed by YouTube for no good reason. We will try to give an alternate source when and if possible.
• MMS DMSO By Syringe ~ Basal Cell Tumor ~ Dog's Scalp ~ My Palm Arthritis ~~~Nancy
CD (MMS) Now Being Used in Veterinary Products
Check out this information (link below or image right) on our MMS page about Frontier
Pharmaceutical, Inc. They are using CD (Chlorine Dioxide - MMS) in veterinary and human products
(which PROVES that it is SAFE). There are other companies and products using CD, as well, and
there will most likely be many more now that they have found a way to patent it.
Their use ranges from the management of topical infections, deep and post surgical wounds, to controlling chronic skin and ear infections including malasezzia and ringworm and on to disinfecting hands and sterilizing surfaces. Currently, there are 2 new chlorine dioxide products available for use in the veterinary market including Ciderm(R) SP, Topical Wound Antiseptic, and Earigant(R) SP ear cleanser/otitis treatment.
NOTE that websites that talk about products using CD go out of their way to strenuously make sure their customers KNOW without a doubt that the use of CD is SAFE. That's what "they" get for bad-mouthing it to the public so much these many years, and fearmongering and such. It is almost kind of funny, in a not funny way.