This site is under continuous (re-) construction, update, & modification.
ANY and ALL parts should be considered under review and in a state of flux
and NOT necessarily 'the FINAL wording', and should be received and
taken and understood and used (or not) with that in mind.
How Perfectly Goddamned Delightful It All Is, To Be Sure.
— Charles Vincent Crumb, Jr. (1942 – 1993)
My Story
Disclaimer: Read it!
Preface: A personal note to start, for reassurance and encouragement, about "The 'Miracle' of CHP – The Clean Health Protocol".
CHP is part of a quickly growing Grassroots Health Revolution Movement .
This includes its sub-protocols, MMS (Master Mineral Solution), aka CD (Chlorine Dioxide + more), or the "Amber Herb" (my term), as well as the McVegan Dietary Lifestyle.
I may or may not be "wise", but I do have a genius-level IQ (+/-), not that that necessarily means anything, and in its own way is neither here nor there, as they say, but it doesn't mean 'nothing' either. I simply mention it to make the point that I am not some I-don't-know-what (?) who is talking about something he knows nothing about and is not "qualified" to talk about it. Any negative or derogatory thoughts down those lines would be FAR from the truth and reality of the situation.
Arguably, I am not as sharp as I was 30 or 40 years ago +/-, and my memory is not as good as it used to be, but I still "do better" than most people I know, meet, come into contact with, interact with, etc.... So at least there's that.
I am very well-read, highly objective, intellectually skeptical, have very strong Logic and Critical Thinking skills, and an extensive knowledge of, and keen interest in, science. (in a mostly hobbyist / lay-person-ish sense) Basically a 'scientific mind'. I had 'always' planned on becoming a scientist of some sort when I 'grew up', and I did become an Information Scientist. ("computer stuff")
And I have many years of self-study & learning about, and personal use & implementation of, Alternative Medicine and Treatments, Naturopathic Medicine, Wholistic & Holistic concepts, Herbology, and "Home Remedies". Basically the gamut of Natural & Complementary Medicinal Self-Treatment, Techniques, Methodologies, Therapies, & Philosophies, and related concepts. As well as Nutritional & Dietary Health Information. All in a Lay-Person sense & implementation. As one should, this is often augmented by Traditional Conventional Western Allopathic Medicine when needed.
— BTW, DO NOT shy away from the concept of "Home Remedy", or allow any negative thoughts or feelings about them dissuade you from allowing this information to help you achieve Health Restoration. Some Home Remedies work very well, and what we discuss here is one of them / some of them.
Therefore, when I am talking about something, you can rest assured that I am most likely speaking from a very strong knowledge-based and well-informed viewpoint. I take a bit of pride in that fact. And then throw in a goodly dose of Science-oriented Objective Skepticism, and there really isn't much to complain about. (though people will and do – imo in an invalid, erroneous, and mistaken manner)
I have done a large amount of research, investigation, study, and learning on and about MMS — hundreds of hours; I know more about the subject than I ever wanted to know; that research continues. At this point, I am about as much of a lay-expert on the subject as a person can be.
Rest assured that I would NOT personally use something that I thought might harm me, and I
definitely would not use something on my companion animals (or my sister or
brothers, friends, etc.; note the listing order there) that might cause harm, or
"suggest" that others use something that might harm them.
(In ALL Things, First, Do No Harm)
In my opinion, MMS is as safe as I can imagine something like it can be, and possibly or
probably even MUCH safer than that. (and almost absolutely safer than most traditional /
mainstream "medicines" and "treatments" — you've seen the commercial advertisements on TV
– "Side effects include possible sudden death, anal leakage, blindness, and....")
MMS is almost definitely safe for human consumption and use,
well Beyond A Reasonable Doubt, if not Beyond A Shadow of A Doubt, with basically ZERO
negative side-effects.
And its efficacy seems to be unparalleled. (it literally seems to stand alone in that regard — if I 'believed' in such things, I would seriously consider referring to it as an honest-to-gods "Miracle Cure" — it is most likely the only thing we will ever find that seems to deserve that designation – this is not close to exaggeration, overstatement, or hyperbole)
The proof is in the pudding, as they say. If MMS was hurtful or harmful or anything of the sort, I would be hurt or harmed by it, as much as I've taken it over the last several years, instead of bettered health, increasingly better health, and Health Restoration. And the same would be true for literally thousands, if not tens of thousands, possibly hundreds of thousands, of other people, all around the world. There's a "Clue" for you.
BUT, DO NOT just trust me and take my word for it. Read, research, investigate, study,
learn. Educate yourself. Become informed, aware, and knowledgeable, so YOU can have an
informed opinion and make informed decisions and choices about YOUR Health.
Exercise your personal responsibility. Do Your Due Diligence.
( And while you do so, BEWARE the lies, propaganda, misinformation and disinformation spouted by pseudo-intellectuals, sub-intellectuals and agenda-mongers (and some outright fear-mongers and scare-mongers) who will try to misinform you, and steer you wrong, and who DO NOT have your best interests at heart, no matter how loudly they exclaim or proclaim otherWise. I don't mean to be mean, but they really are mostly sad, unfortunate & pathetic, hyper-ignorant, myopic, petty, troglodyte simpletons, at BEST. I could use some other choice words for them (partly deserved by them because they are ACTIVELY hurting people through their hyper-ignorance and worse, and hidden and not-so-hidden agendas — for some of them it even seems to be some sort of an ignominious hobby, of sorts), but I will refrain from doing so (here). Skepticism and objectivity are good things, but ONLY when they are used for good and in good ways. It is of utmost importance that you are warned about this very sad state of affairs and these unfortunate people. You have been forewarned. Don't try to say I didn't warn you. )
And, in case you were wondering or concerned, I have absolutely no financial interest in or association with MMS, et al. (I expand on that in the disclaimer, which you should read) It is important to me that I have NO Conflict of Interest, and I take great pains to insure that is true. The fact that I have created this website (dozens of hours) and done all of this work without any, or any thought or expectation of, or interest in, remuneration, recompense, reward, or anything of the sort, should be a clue as to what I really think about MMS. (and the McVegan Dietary Lifestyle)
That said (with all due humility, in case you didn't notice and/or weren't paying attention — it's a joke, son, don't fall on your sword), read on...
(note that you might have to 'pardon my sense of humor' here and there — and, I suppose if, by chance, you think I am being "arrogant", or "egotistical", or something like that, try to let it go and do not let that negatively affect you and your chances at being Healthy and Well — don't sweat the small stuff and concentrate and focus on what is really important – Your Health and Well-Being)
Uno momento, por favor...
I hope you will agree to a "Contract" of sorts, that simply states that WHEN — NOT if
– When CHP helps you Restore Your Health, you will
incessantly, vociferously, and vocally sing its praises as I have done here and Spread the
Word far and wide to anyone and everyone you know, or meet, or with whom you come into
contact (whether they will listen or not). It is not anywhere close to too much to ask.
PLEASE Pay It Foward.
We have a world to help be healthy, after all, as well as the alleviation of so much completely
unnecessary pain, suffering, agony, misery, and death. It's no small task, but it is very doable.
And it is apparently up to us to do it. And, yes, WE CAN.
My Personal Health Quest & Journey
(in progress)
Jul 28, 2018
Moving away from the Royal I/We/Us for this installment, and getting personal, I will try to keep this short and sweet, but I want to be thorough, so, fasten your seatbelts, it's going to be a bumpy ride. It is a bit long (understatement alert), so I am putting it here, on its own page. I will start with a description of my poor health and how I got there so that you have a base line for how it has changed. It might be overkill, but better that than not being absolutely clear about it all. Spoiler Alert: So far the change has been somewhat dramatic. Read on.
If this testimonial doesn't convince you to seriously consider learning more about MMS and the McVegan Diet and perhaps making them part of your health regimen, I don't know what will. So I STRONGLY encourage you to read all of this, even if you have to slog through it. When you come out the other side, you will most likely be an encouraged person on your way to better health. (now, and/or in the future, and/or perhaps helping someone else)
You could skip to the section below sub-titled "The Journey Begins". (but you would be missing a large part of the story that makes it all that much more amazing, knowing how bad off I was and how that changed)
• The Beginning of the End
My health started deteriorating about 25 years ago. I was (am!) a computer programmer, and "Computer Programmer Burnout" is a fairly common thing. It is basically stress-based. And as we have (now) learned, stress is a killer, or sends you in that general direction. So I suffered "burnout" in several very high-stress jobs. Again and again and again. And each time it negatively affected my health, a little, or (usually) a lot. And it was accumulative.
(different people react differently to stress, and extreme stress, which is to be expected — some are able to deal with it better, and others less so; some are more negatively affected by it, and others less so — as with all things — I was "one of the unlucky ones")
I finally became so sick I had to stop working and go on what I call "Stupid Disability". I was hoping I "just needed a rest" and it was only going to be temporary, but, unfortunately, that was not the case. (I well-understood the old-style concept, and probably importance, of "sanitariums" at that point) My disability became permanent and it has been over 10 years now. Time flies when you're having fun. (but I don't complain, because I could be MUCH worse off, and have been, especially right before I went on Disability)
And, needless to say, it was NOT FUN going from making a VERY GOOD living financially to being barely able to survive. That hurt. Although, by the time I had to go on Disability, I wasn't doing well financially, either, because I "had a hard time working". That's a bit of an understatement, both. And it probably wasn't "just stress" that was my problem, as I would one day discover. (I think, as far as I can tell; who knows what came first, the chicken or the egg, or which exacerbated and compounded the other)
After I went on Disability, my health didn't really get "better", it just wasn't so extraordinarily BAD in the sense of, "Oh, My God! WTF?!? Are you effing kidding me???" (with some "interesting" affects, like extreme Road Rage, and worse, that eased up over time) I was able to de-stress some, and that helped. But I was obviously pretty messed up. And, after I figured out that I obviously wasn't going to "get better", I kind of settled in to trying to at least minimally "enjoy" my "new life", as much as possible, as effed up as it was. And try to not be too sick as much as I could almost achieve that.
It took a while (a number of years, actually), but I was finally able to more or less accept my state of health, and being "poor", which I did not like (both). I had been "poor" before, and I don't suggest it, if you can avoid it. That's partly why I became a Computer Professional — to have a good career and make good money and have a "good life". (FTR, I was an honest-to-god Computer Wiz Kid as a teenager, so that innate, inherent ability, plus A LOT of hard work over the years, meant I tended to work at a level that very few of my colleagues could match, so, with all due humility, I was very, very good at what I did; also FTR, before I decided to become an Information Scientist, I was going to be some other kind of scientist, but computers won out)
So, coming to terms with my lot in life took some time, but there was nothing I could do about it. I didn't like it, to say the least, but it is what it is, and was what it was. C'est la vie d'guerre, n'est pas?
• As If Things Weren't Bad Enough As It Is
But then my health kept deteriorating more and more, year by year, mostly slowly, but surely, and sometimes in small-ish "leaps and bounds". This has happened to every person I've ever known who is/was on Disability, and many others I've heard about. (we tend to 'compare notes' when we meet, talk, "complain", commiserate, and so on) It seems to be a common thing, and makes sense and is understandable, if you think about it. "Standing still" health-wise is better than getting worse, but if you aren't getting better, eventually you will most likely start getting worse. It seems to be the way things work.
And that was partly exacerbated by not going on Disability soon enough. I put it off as long as I could, because I don't see myself that way. And I was in a certain amount of denial. Which just made my health worse and worse, so I was pretty bad off when I was finally forced to do it. My health forced me into it and made my choice for me. I had no other avenue to travel down. That was a mistake on my part.
I would probably be in (relatively) better health now if I hadn't waited so long to go on Disability. You live and learn or you don't live long. But I was totally screwed, so "learning from my mistakes" wasn't going to help me much. Maybe others who read this can learn from my mistake. Pride cometh before the fall. (more or less — whatever)
• What Ails Ye (Me, That Is)
I was never actually diagnosed as to what is wrong with me. When you are on Disability, and worse, before that when you can't really work and make money, you can't really afford to go to the doctor. (it's probably marginally better now, maybe, with so-called "Obamacare", but I bet it doesn't come close to good enough — and that is now being stolen from the American people — as skimpy and insufficient as it is, it is MUCH better than what we didn't have before — on the other hand, people are probably better off if they stay as far away as they can from doctors and hospitals – they are truly a last resort — and these days you are lucky to even get a Nurse Practitioner, anyway, much less an actual doctor)
My health problems were fairly severe, and it was obviously some kind of "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome" (CFS) and some other stuff, and probably (seemingly) some PTSD-like stuff (which is also stress-sickness-based, so that makes some sense).
And whatever it was totally destroyed my EXCELLENT memory, which REALLY SUCKED and still sucks BIG time. 'Memory problems' are a known side-effect of extreme stress. I didn't have an eidetic (photographic) memory (I always wished I did), but it was amazingly good. Now, not so much. It was part of my identity, and when that is messed with, it really messes with your mind, and you have to "reinvent" yourself. As well as not working (if you have a good work ethic, and I do), and "being productive", and that sort of thing, messing with your sense of self-worth, which is important. Just more crap I had to deal with.
Now-a-daze I have to write things down when I go to the store, even if it's just one or two items, or there is a good chance I will forget something. LONG gone are the days I could remember the 20+ things I needed at the store without even thinking about it, or even something as simple as someone's phone number. All things I struggle with today.
I'm hoping my good memory comes back now. (it has to a small degree, and my cognition is much-improved — 'brain fog', etc.) That would be nice. But I know that they have discovered that PTSD ("stress") literally changes the physiology of the human brain and they don't know how to fix that, so I may be screwed. We'll see. (so, cognitively, I am doing much better these days, although, as seemingly usual, I have a long way to go, but I'm getting a little ahead of myself)
I usually claim(ed) to be "Stress Sick" and "Allergic to Stress".
Back in the day, "they" didn't really believe in "Stress Sickness", or CFS, and a bunch of other illnesses like that. Now-a-days they have finally come around and admitted that, yes, they are real. (even fibromyalgia, lupus, and others) Typically, you had to be bleeding, or have something show up on an x-ray, or a scan, or have something show up in a blood test or something similar — otherwise, it is obviously "in your head" (or whatever — and, typically, that was always especially true with women).
How many poor bastards were seriously screwed over beyond belief for YEARS until the medical establishment finally minimally got their act together. (that's one of them there rhetorical questions you been hearin' so much 'bout lately — hey, at least I'm not jaded or bitter) Btw — the answer is most probably "hundreds of thousands", if not many, many more — probably millions.
Except for being "Allergic to Stress". No one that I know of thinks that is a real thing. Especially not doctors. But I was forced to stay as far away from stress as possible because even a small amount would make me even sicker. (as if I wasn't sick enough already) Like having an argument with someone, something most people would just shrug off, would make me fairly physically ill for days or even weeks.
The problem there is, "Life is Stress". A "normal", "healthy" person can deal with life's everyday stresses. Other people not so much. And especially not people who are "Stress Sick" as the primary health problem they are facing, and from which most or all of their other associated health problems stem. Those latter people are basically just screwed big time, in a variety of ways. (but, then, so are other people, in other ways)
When I was forced to tell doctors or whomever what my symptoms were, I could only give a description of "like having a really bad cold or flu, but without the sore throat or sneezing and coughing and runny nose and all that, but being dragged down and tired and no energy, and feeling achy with random pains and such, and just feeling (really) 'BAD' all the time." (doctors LOVED hearing that, because there is not much they can do with that — they haven't made a pill for that yet...) That was the best description I could come up with.
• Living With Poor Health
I would randomly have "good days" and "bad days" (and weeks and months and years). But even my "good days" were not anywhere NEAR "good" at all, and were just better than yesterday, or last week, or last month, etc., when I felt worse or particularly bad. And they were somewhat few and far between. And they truly seemed to be mostly random. I tried to figure out if it made a difference what I did, or didn't do, ate or didn't eat, etc., and it was just RANDOM. Weird, but true.
(doctors LOVE hearing that, too — It's like having an intermittent bug in a computer program that seems kind of random and can't be reproduced — those are "fun" to try to debug — for those who are not computer people, and may not "get it", what I mean by that is that they are DIFFICULT in the EXTREME, and NOT something you want to have reported by a user — unless, of course, you are a really good programmer, like I was, but I digress...)
My health finally got so bad that I realized that, at about age 55 (a couple of years ago), "at this rate", I was going to be lucky to have another 5 years of minimally decent Quality of Life left. And probably not more than 10 years of actual life. And if I lived longer than that, I would most probably wish I was dead. Which happens to too many people.
At this point I wasn't really "living", I was just more or less existing, which is potentially better than the alternative. Add to that the facts that I will probably never be able to make a feature-length independent film, or write one of my novels, and.... Insert your favorite epithetic curse word here. TWICE.
I tried, in the beginning, to assuage my irritation and annoyance and worse (sadness, depression, etc...), with having to go on Disabiity with thinking, "Maybe I can mess around with indie film, which is what I really wanted to do with my life, and/or writing one of my novels." That could possibly be kind of a silver lining, of sorts, to the dark cloud in which I found myself enveloped. And, if I did write a novel, and I was lucky enough to have it sell well, I could get off of 'Stupid' Disability. Stranger things have been known to happen. (indie films rarely make money, and never short films)
I wasn't dead, after all, just very, very sick, and you can't just sit around and stare at the walls, and you can only watch so much TV and mess around on the InterWebs so much before you start to go STARK RAVING MAD. (I read, books, of course, but even that was negatively affected by my health, and some years I was 'lucky' to read a couple of books — when I got a Kindle e-reader for Xmas one year, the next year I read over 50 (free) books, the year after that less than 20, the year after that less than 10, and the next year less than 5....)
"Sitting around" (or lying/laying) gets very old after-a-while. (kind of like being on vacation for a couple of weeks, and by the end of it you just want to get back to work) At least I didn't have any money, so I didn't have to worry about not being able to travel or do anything else that costs money, since I wasn't up to doing anything like that, and just generally didn't feel like doing it.
And I kind of did delve into indie filmmaking and writing, or tried to, as much as I could, as a hobby, because, after all, I had "All the time in the world." But when I tried to force myself to do something I didn't feel like doing, that I wasn't "up to doing", it would end up making me sicker, and that's what happened when I tried to force myself to write. And, even though working on indie SHORT films was fun and interesting and got me out of the house and was what I really wanted to do for the last 25 years, it also was too stressful and ended up making me VERY sick. So I had to stop doing that.
You learn very quickly, by being slapped in the face with it, HARD, that those things are more than difficult enough when you are feeling well and have energy (and money) and all that, and are basically impossible when you are ill, so I finally just gave up on my dreams. More fun on top of fun. Or, as I often referred to it, in a Gallows Humor and Black Humor sort of way, that wasn't really very funny at all, "A Life Less Lived". Poor, poor, pitiful me. And so it goes. Que sera, sera.
• From Bad To Worse
Then, in mid to late 2017 and early 2018, I got Sick. (with a capital 'S') Sick in the sense of it being "concerning" and "worrisome". I had already gotten used to the 'daily grind' of continual bad health, and increasingly bad health, at this point. This was something altogether different.
As in, "Oh, CRAP! This doesn't bode well. Yeah, this is not a good situation." At which point, like most people, my tendency would be to go to a "real doctor", because that is what we are trained to do, and there is some amount of deep-reaching, gut-wrenching fear involved, as well. The too-typical, "Oh, God-Doctor, please give me a Magic Pill to make me Well" bullshit. Although I usually try more natural approaches, as much as possible, whenever possible, which has worked better for me most of the time.
I figured it would probably happen some day. I try to not go to "real doctors" because allopathic / western / mainstream medicine and doctors rarely help me. Mostly they either just "give me a look" (some of you know that "look" VERY well), or maybe suggest this or that (because they don't know what the Hell is going on too much of the time, unless it's something simple and fairly common), and/or more tests that I can't afford (because Medicare is better than nothing, but it's also not that great — except as "Catastrophic Health Insurance" — I think it is better if you are older than retirement age).
So I went to my acupuncturist, who usually does a pretty good job at helping me when I get "really sick". But then he got "old" and sick and had to retire. His son took over, and he's not bad, but he's not as good as his father. (yet — hopefully he will get better — but his father was trained in Japan under "Masters", so...) Maybe someday. I think his father actually had some kind of a "healing touch" or something. So I got some relief, but not as much as I needed.
My problems were several (as usual), but the "biggy" was some fairly severe inflammation in my throat, and swelling, that was uncomfortable, and irritation, and was really bothering me, and seemingly getting worse, rather than better. My "worry" was that it was throat cancer, and I would not be surprised if that's what it is. I didn't bother going to the doctor for a diagnosis, because I will NEVER do chemotherapy, or radiation, or most surgeries. Some things are worse than the actual disease they are supposed to treat, and those three are at the top of the list. NOT for me. There are some things that are literally worse than death, and, again, those are generally at, or near, the top of that list, as well.
• A Cautionary Tale
Read a cautionary tale about my brother, now on its own page: A Cautionary Tale
• The Journey Begins
With all that said, and mind you I am not complaining, as I stated — that's my story, anyway, and I'm sticking to it — I will now begin The Rest of the Story. How I went from being very sick for 25 years, and a new, seemingly bad and serious illness of some sort on top of that, to being quite a bit better in a matter of a few months or so.
Now that you know how I got here, following is (finally) what I have found and what I am doing about it. What is working well for me, and seems to work very well for everyone who has tried it, which is why I made this website, to tell people about these two approaches to health. (i.e., not just because they have worked and are working for me — as far as I can tell, these two 'treatments' are 'special', and not like the umpteen others you have heard about and/or tried)
I started taking MMS first, because I found it first. I started out slowly, because things tend to have an affect on me, because I generally don't take drugs, prescription, over-the-counter, or otherwise. (and I don't drink alcohol — I should basically be "very healthy", which has always SUCKED that that has not been the case, for the last 25 years, anyway) Easing into MMS is not a bad idea for most people.
I didn't want to have a (Jarisch–) Herxheimer reaction, a well-known and understood situation that can occur when people are "detoxing", although I think I kind of have from time to time, when I started feeling worse sometimes, but then I would go back to feeling better. (what you do NOT want to do is to have an extreme Herx reaction, like diarrhea and/or (worse) vomiting, and then give up on MMS, which some people, unfortunately, do)
After a couple of weeks, I noticed I was feeling noticeably better. Not "good", as usual — just better than how bad I usually felt. Which was encouraging. I started out being cautiously optimistic, based on what I had read, and studied, and all of the information I could find, and the many testimonials people had given. So far, so good.
And within a month I seemed to be doing noticeably even better. My energy was better. I wasn't as tired and worn out as I usually am. I didn't have to take several lay-down rests / naps every day like I usually do. (just a few, or less — even when I slept "well" the night before, which wasn't all that often — sometimes I would be more tired when I woke up in the morning, which is not how it's supposed to work — that seems to be getting better-ish, too) My mood was also better. (not feeling well tends to put you in a piss-poor mood, and I hadn't been in a very good mood for MANY years) MMS seemed to be working.
• The Journey Continues
One day, about a month ago, I decided to clean out my refrigerator and freezer, which I might have THOUGHT about doing before, and WANTED or WISHED I could do, but it would NEVER have happened. (mostly I didn't even think about it because I knew it was "never going to happen" — I just wasn't up to it and not able to do it)
So I took a day and did it. Which surprised me. (YEARS of "filth", although, relatively speaking, it wasn't THAT bad — by my 'forced' low standards, anyway) And it didn't hurt my back, and I didn't breath hard, and, although I took it easy, I didn't HAVE to sit down and take multiple breaks every several minutes or so. It's nice having a clean refrigerator. Now for the rest of the house.... (Baby Steps...)
I was also going to my acupuncturist when I could afford it. At $45 a visit, that was difficult for me. I could usually do a treatment, or maybe two, a month, some months. (depending on whether I had to go see my Chiropractor, or had to pay my car registration, or fix my car, or some other "financial emergency", etc.) And it seemed to help some.
Both traditional acupuncture (Japanese style with small needles, and also "Median Acupuncture", which I think is better than other kinds), but also "Light Frequency" treatments, which I was somewhat skeptical about, but they seemed to work, especially on my throat, so that's all I needed to know. (who cares if it is a "placebo effect" (if it is), as long as it works, but from what I've read, there is most probably actually something to it) I got some relief from that. It helped, along with the MMS. But the MMS was definitely the Big Guns in the attack against what was ailing me.
Also, my back didn't hurt like it usually did, like when I washed dishes at the sink, and pretty much everything else. I would usually have to do a little, within a short time be in fairly severe pain (usually a matter of minutes), and then go sit down for 5 or 10 or 15 minutes, or so, and then go do some more. Rinse, repeat. (pun partially intended) This was a "recent" thing that mostly started within the last few years or so, maybe longer ago than that. (my 'messed up memory' precludes me from remembering things like that anymore)
Or even just preparing some food. Or feeding my cats. Or trying to clean up a little. (sweeping, raking leaves, bending over and picking anything up, etc...) I could do all of these things now with basically no pain or even discomfort. I gave my cat a bath and it wasn't painful at all, which surprised me. (although he thought he was dying) Now, I could do LOTS of dishes, and no pain at all. (maybe some slight discomfort if I over did it)
On a "bad day" (again, usually, or too often), I could carry 10 pounds twenty feet and I would start breathing hard, like I was doing aerobic exercise. And that seemed to be easing off, as well. Sometimes I would be breathing harder than normal just walking too much around a store (AND my back would start hurting), or trying to do too many things in one day. I usually only tried to do a couple of things a day or so, a couple of times a week, max, because I was usually too easily overwhelmed, and my energy was too low, etc... (often I would just "give up" because I had to go home and lay down for a while)
And I would too-often stay home-bound for a week or two or longer, unless I HAD to go to the store, because I just wasn't up to it. (one time my next door neighbor came over and knocked on my door to see if I was okay because I hadn't even gone outside in a couple of weeks and they were worried about me — I was "fine", but that was apparently a particularly "bad time" among bad times (which I hadn't even noticed), which happened occasionally, or too often, depending on how you look at it — it was nice of them to worry about me and check up on me, though)
• Using MMS on Non-Human Animals – Mr Black's Story
After about the first month, I decided to use MMS on one of my cats, too. If it works for me,
then it should work for him, as has also been anecdotally reported through testimonials that can
be found on the InterWebs.
He has "incurable" FIV (Feline Immunodeficiency Virus), which is kind of like human HIV. It causes him to have terrible, continuing upper respiratory issues, with sneezing, and snotting yellow and green discharge, and being 'stopped up' and having trouble breathing through his nose, and just generally being miserable from bacteriological and viral infections, because his immune system is compromised. It increases his chance of getting many types of diseases, including cancers.
But it worked for Mr Black, too! He was constantly on antibiotics, which would stop working after a while, so he would have to be switched to another one. And then another one. And another one, as they each stopped working (antibiotic resistance). Not a good situation, being on them for a long time, and also having to switch around like that. Eventually he will get something really bad and be in poor health and then he will die.
But he is now doing VERY well on the MMS without any antibiotics. Sometimes much better and sometimes not quite as bad. Maybe clear-ish discharge with some sneezing, but being able to breath fairly well. Overall not bad at all. The problem is getting the MMS into him. Especially in larger doses, which I have no doubt will "cure" him of his "incurable" FIV (allow his body to cure itself). So his health regimen is also ongoing. But I am VERY optimistic at this point. There is some good info about using MMS on non-human animals on the InterWebs (and in "the MMS book"), but I wish there was more.
If your companion animal is chronically ill, or basically going to die (and this goes for people, too), and there is no hope, so you are going to have to put them down (euthanize them), why not give MMS a try? You literally have nothing to lose, and if it works, there's nothing more wonderful than that. And it most likely WILL work most of the time. I wish I had known about MMS before, with some of my other sick cats (and my Mom, too) — some of them would probably still be alive today. A similar scenario is when any treatment that is available is too expensive, and not financially viable due to that expense.
UPDATE: I have been using MMS on my FIV-positive cat now for a couple of years and am extremely happy with the results. I still can't get enough into him to "cure" his FIV, but it keeps him "cleaned out" and breathing well as long as I continue to dose him. It is MUCH, MUCH better than antibiotics, which is the only other option. He is about 15 years old now, and the last two blood panels he had from two different vets were so good for an FIV-positive cat of his age, that both veternarians were very surprised that his values were that good. And he is most likely getting other health benefits, as well, and keeping him pretty healthy overall.
Final Cat Update: (10/24/2022) "MMS"/CD/CDS/ClO2/Chlorine Dioxide WILL help make you healthy, and healthier, but it won't make you live forever. Mr Black finally ended up getting advanced kidney disease. I don't know if it was cancer, or if his kidneys just wore out and shut down due to old age. It came on very quickly and before I realized what was happening he was very sick. My suspicion is that he finally reached his natural life span. He was at least 17 years old, possibly (probably) older, closer to 20, and that is pretty old for a cat. I thought about aggressively treating his illness with MMS, but decided to let him go. I can only hope that I made the correct decision.
I never did get beyond simple maintenance. If I gave him too much he balked at drinking the
Chicken Broth solution because of the chlorine taste and smell. I never did get to the point of
injecting him with higher dosages to get rid of his FIV completely. He had several very good
years with me as an older stray, and the last 4 years were very healthy and happy years, thanks
to MMS. So I will always be beyond thankful that I found this highly efficacious "Home Remedy"
that helped make his final years more healthy and happy and comfortable.
Here is a link to his memorial:
In Memoriam — Mr Black – The Cat — RIP
• Optimistic Optimism
One day I also went from "Cautiously Optimistic" to "Very Optimistic" for me. I was over at my sister's house, and the cat fence we had built around her back yard several years prior hadn't been maintained. (that I had a very difficult time helping build because of my health; having to do a little work and breathing hard and having to rest every 5 to 10 minutes, etc.) So there were holes in it that the cats could get out of. So we walked the perimeter looking for holes and found several they didn't know existed. That was how they were getting out. So we fixed them and closed them up. Only about a half hour's work.
Normally, I would be breathing hard just doing simple, easy work like that, and probably have to take a break or two while doing it. But this time, not only did I not have to take a break, but I wasn't breathing harder than normal, and I wasn't tired, or in pain. And that's when I realized my health had gotten quite a bit better. It had sneaked up on me gradually, but the proof was in the pudding. A couple of months later, I swam four laps in a small pool and wasn't even breathing harder than normal. Another thing I could not have done before. Not even close.
And my throat got to a point where it felt almost normal. I've had a bit of a relapse lately, and it has started bothering me again, and my energy levels have dropped again, and I'm kind of starting to feel like I used to. Not quite that bad, but now that I've felt better (-ish), I "remember" what it's like to "feel 'good' ", and have some energy, etc. I stopped using MMS to see where I was at. I had gotten to Protocol 1000 Plus, which is MMS with DMSO, and I wondered if I had to go to Protocol 2000, or not. I still have a ways to go, apparently. To be fully healthy and well. But so far, BEYOND so good. I am pretty happy about it.
I've even been thinking about how I can go back to work at some point. It will most likely be a bit of a challenge, since I have been sick and out of work for so long, and I am 57 now, and we know how people LOVE to give people jobs who have been sick and out of work for a long time and who are older. (how in the Hell did THAT happen??) But I'm not sweating it.
Although Good Health is MUCH more important than money, I am looking forward to not being poor anymore, too. (and getting off of "Stupid Disability", even though it's been a life-saver of sorts for me — so don't "bad-mouth" Disability and people on it around me – you will be STRONGLY rebuked and put in your place)
• So far, So Good, Or Even Better Than That
This was after a few months of using MMS. And also being on the McVegan Diet, which WAS also helping me. Whatever fundamental problem was causing me to be so sick, is quite a bit better. I don't know if I had had Lyme's disease, and/or something else (Epstein–Barr Virus (EBV)?) There are many things it could have been. Probably a mix'n'match of who knows what. Possibly also some (black?) mold & fungus issues. I did the MMS Mold Protocol, just to be safe. Who knows what was attacking me all these years.
I hope I continue to get well, so that I can get off of "Stupid Disability" and go back to work and not be poor anymore. Although health is really the most important thing. And I will "take" just not being so sick, like I have been, if that's all I can muster. Even that would be better than nothing.
But I am optimistic that I will continue to do better and better. I will let you know how things progress. It took me many years to get as sick as I was (and am), so it will most likely take at least several months for me to get well. So I'm continuing with the advanced MMS protocols. Soon I will be on Protocol 2000. (with another short stint of the Mold/Fungus Bentonite Clay Protocol – I think that might be an ongoing issue based on where I live, which I will hopefully also be changing at some point in the near-ish future) .... ONWARD!
• Embracing the McVegan Diet
As for the McVegan Diet, it is having positive affects on me, too. It's somewhat difficult to tell what is doing what, although sometimes it was evident which was doing something good, the MMS or the McVegan Diet. For example, I have been a vegetarian for over 35 years, and a vegan (strict vegetarian) for over 30 years. I used to be very strict, for quite a while, many years, but then became not so strict and about a 98% vegan, +/-.
(but absolutely NO animal flesh (yes, including seafood) — I am an Ethical Veg(etari)an (+/-, of course), and do not believe in causing non-human animals UNNECESSARY pain, suffering, and death (as much as possible, as much as I can muster) — I do better in that regard than 99% of the population of the planet, so I don't sweat it too much, but I can always do more, and try, or at least think about it... no matter where you "are at", there is always more you can do)
But I was not a very healthy-eating vegan, especially based on the McDougall diet. (it used to piss me off SO BAD that all of my friends and other people I knew who were vegetarian and vegan were SO healthy, and I was not — I might as well have been eating a piss-poor meat-based diet, although I might actually be dead by now if that had been my life)
Before this, I used to eat a lot of processed foods, and fake meats and cheeses (comfort food, what people often use for "transition from a meat-based diet", because it makes it easier, and they taste good). And I consumed a lot of oils, through cooking and as ingredients (margarine and mayonnaise — I ate a LOT of sandwiches — mostly because I didn't have much energy to make my meals, and sandwiches are easy and quick).
I THOUGHT I was more or less being a good vegan (except for eating some things that had egg whites, or some whey, or whatever) , but I was actually not eating well. And I was consuming a lot of "fats", a fairly high-fat diet. Which is why I was, and still am, a "Fat Vegan". (I used to be at least "obese", if not very overweight) And I didn't / couldn't exercise, which is also a factor.
But, I have now lost 30 pounds. I have at least another 30 to go. And I used to have a thick layer of oil on my forehead every morning when I woke up. Very oily skin, and skin issues to go along with that. However, after eating the McVegan Diet for about a week or so, my oily forehead went away completely. I was apparently excreting all of that oil I was consuming. And my skin has cleared up and is clearing up. And "looks good" according to some people, so they are noticing a change.
Plus the weight loss. I feel lighter, and I like it. I am walking around the block twice a day, at a brisk pace, and not breathing much harder than normal. I could NOT have done that a few months ago. And I am getting ready to start riding my bike again. And maybe doing some other exercise-based things. I can't afford it, but I would like to start playing golf again. I thought my golfing days were over forever.
And my McVeganism is most likely also helping with other health improvements, as well. I STRONGLY encourage people to adopt a McVegan diet. That, along with the MMS, is making some very positive health changes in me. And I think (KNOW) it can and WILL do the same in other people.
• A Short Sister Story: The 'Miracle' That Is MMS
MMS also helped my sister. (who is actually a bit short in stature) She had a really bad flu over July 4, 2018, that had already been attacking her for a few days. We were all going to get together, but my brother and his wife wouldn't go because they didn't want to catch her flu. But I don't expect to ever catch a cold or flu ever again (or knock them out in a matter of hours if I get them), so I went. (I also don't (anymore) worry about getting Lyme's Disease from a tick bite, or West Nile Virus or Zika Virus from a mosquito bite, etc...)
My sister was basically bedridden and feeling pretty bad. She had had a 4-month "cold" late last year, so apparently these things were hitting her probably-pretty-toxic system fairly badly. (and these "new?" long-lasting colds were known to be going around) I had a 6-week cold in Dec/Jan that I think I caught from her, that just wouldn't go away — as if a week to 10 days isn't bad enough. Talk about miserable. I wish I had known about MMS then. (AND when I had an abscessed tooth a couple of years ago – talk about EXCRUCIATING pain, and, of course, no money (OR insurance) to go to the dentist – typical)
So I made her some MMS (a 32-oz bottle (eight 4-oz hourly doses) instead of the hourly fresh, because I knew she was not going to do that — a one-day bottle is better than nothing, but the potency lessons over time, so it is not ideal), and she only drank about a quarter of it, but felt quite a bit better that night. The next day she went to the store and was up and around cooking and stuff, but still weak. I suggested she discard the rest of the bottle of MMS and make a fresh batch, but instead she just finished the rest of the bottle and felt even better. MMS basically knocked out a VERY bad flu in a matter of hours, and basically "cured" it (restored her to health) in a couple of days. THAT is what it does.
But then, what has come to be known as "The Miracle of MMS" occurred for her (aka "Positive Side-Effects", or "Side-Benefits"), and, within a few days, the eczema / psoriasis on her leg went away that had been there for months and she had used cremes on and all that (the doctor wanted to give her a cortisone shot, but she wouldn't do it), and some other skin rashes disappeared, and a "scab" that has been on her shoulder for a couple of years mostly healed up, her skin in general "cleared up", and one wart on one hand went away and another on her other hand went away & a once-large wart is almost gone, AND a benign cyst in her breast that was as large as a large grape is now the size of a blueberry. All by drinking not as much MMS as I told her to take. (always makes me wonder what people are thinking, but it is fairly typical human behavior, unfortunately)
So she is a "believer" now. (with 'miraculous' results like that, how could one not be?) She plans on her and her husband (he's diabetic) doing the MMS protocols, and also going on the McVegan Diet. Unfortunately, it has been (too) many weeks and they still have not started either. (in the mean time, her husband has had a severe diabetic health crisis that was most likely completely avoidable) I will let you know how they do.
• The End of the Beginning
That is it so far. The future is looking quite a bit brighter for me these days. I haven't felt like that in MANY years. Now I'm thinking, "You know, I could live to be 80, or 90, even older, and probably in pretty decent, or better than that, health up to 'the end'." (barring accidents and the like, of course, knock on wood)
I will add more entries as things progress. I fully expect good things to report. Stay tuned. And, in the mean time, if you or someone else is in need, I hope your health gets better, too. I can only hope that my story encourages you and shows the reality of MMS, and how good it works.
Because most of us do not have to be unhealthy, sick, ill, dying, or near death! (almost everyone, almost all of the time) † (not anymore)