This site is under continuous (re-) construction, update, & modification.
ANY and ALL parts should be considered under review and in a state of flux
and NOT necessarily 'the FINAL wording', and should be received and
taken and understood and used (or not) with that in mind.
Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth.
— Henry David Thoreau
Read it!
This is the full Preface shown collapsed at the top of some pages, for possible easier reading. (and in case some people missed it)
Preface: A personal note to start, for reassurance and encouragement, about "The 'Miracle' of CHP – The Clean Health Protocol".
CHP is part of a quickly growing Grassroots Health Revolution Movement .
This includes its sub-protocols, MMS (Master Mineral Solution), aka CD (Chlorine Dioxide + more), or the "Amber Herb" (my term), as well as the McVegan Dietary Lifestyle.
I may or may not be "wise", but I do have a genius-level IQ (+/-), not that that necessarily means anything, and in its own way is neither here nor there, as they say, but it doesn't mean 'nothing' either. I simply mention it to make the point that I am not some I-don't-know-what (?) who is talking about something he knows nothing about and is not "qualified" to talk about it. Any negative or derogatory thoughts down those lines would be FAR from the truth and reality of the situation.
Arguably, I am not as sharp as I was 30 or 40 years ago +/-, and my memory is not as good as it used to be, but I still "do better" than most people I know, meet, come into contact with, interact with, etc.... So at least there's that.
I am very well-read, highly objective, intellectually skeptical, have very strong Logic and Critical Thinking skills, and an extensive knowledge of, and keen interest in, science. (in a mostly hobbyist / lay-person-ish sense) Basically a 'scientific mind'. I had 'always' planned on becoming a scientist of some sort when I 'grew up', and I did become an Information Scientist. ("computer stuff")
And I have many years of self-study & learning about, and personal use & implementation of, Alternative Medicine and Treatments, Naturopathic Medicine, Wholistic & Holistic concepts, Herbology, and "Home Remedies". Basically the gamut of Natural & Complementary Medicinal Self-Treatment, Techniques, Methodologies, Therapies, & Philosophies, and related concepts. As well as Nutritional & Dietary Health Information. All in a Lay-Person sense & implementation. As one should, this is often augmented by Traditional Conventional Western Allopathic Medicine when needed.
— BTW, DO NOT shy away from the concept of "Home Remedy", or allow any negative thoughts or feelings about them dissuade you from allowing this information to help you achieve Health Restoration. Some Home Remedies work very well, and what we discuss here is one of them / some of them.
Therefore, when I am talking about something, you can rest assured that I am most likely speaking from a very strong knowledge-based and well-informed viewpoint. I take a bit of pride in that fact. And then throw in a goodly dose of Science-oriented Objective Skepticism, and there really isn't much to complain about. (though people will and do – imo in an invalid, erroneous, and mistaken manner)
I have done a large amount of research, investigation, study, and learning on and about MMS — hundreds of hours; I know more about the subject than I ever wanted to know; that research continues. At this point, I am about as much of a lay-expert on the subject as a person can be.
Rest assured that I would NOT personally use something that I thought might harm me, and I
definitely would not use something on my companion animals (or my sister or
brothers, friends, etc.; note the listing order there) that might cause harm, or
"suggest" that others use something that might harm them.
(In ALL Things, First, Do No Harm)
In my opinion, MMS is as safe as I can imagine something like it can be, and possibly or
probably even MUCH safer than that. (and almost absolutely safer than most traditional /
mainstream "medicines" and "treatments" — you've seen the commercial advertisements on TV
– "Side effects include possible sudden death, anal leakage, blindness, and....")
MMS is almost definitely safe for human consumption and use,
well Beyond A Reasonable Doubt, if not Beyond A Shadow of A Doubt, with basically ZERO
negative side-effects.
And its efficacy seems to be unparalleled. (it literally seems to stand alone in that regard — if I 'believed' in such things, I would seriously consider referring to it as an honest-to-gods "Miracle Cure" — it is most likely the only thing we will ever find that seems to deserve that designation – this is not close to exaggeration, overstatement, or hyperbole)
The proof is in the pudding, as they say. If MMS was hurtful or harmful or anything of the sort, I would be hurt or harmed by it, as much as I've taken it over the last several years, instead of bettered health, increasingly better health, and Health Restoration. And the same would be true for literally thousands, if not tens of thousands, possibly hundreds of thousands, of other people, all around the world. There's a "Clue" for you.
BUT, DO NOT just trust me and take my word for it. Read, research, investigate, study,
learn. Educate yourself. Become informed, aware, and knowledgeable, so YOU can have an
informed opinion and make informed decisions and choices about YOUR Health.
Exercise your personal responsibility. Do Your Due Diligence.
( And while you do so, BEWARE the lies, propaganda, misinformation and disinformation spouted by pseudo-intellectuals, sub-intellectuals and agenda-mongers (and some outright fear-mongers and scare-mongers) who will try to misinform you, and steer you wrong, and who DO NOT have your best interests at heart, no matter how loudly they exclaim or proclaim otherWise. I don't mean to be mean, but they really are mostly sad, unfortunate & pathetic, hyper-ignorant, myopic, petty, troglodyte simpletons, at BEST. I could use some other choice words for them (partly deserved by them because they are ACTIVELY hurting people through their hyper-ignorance and worse, and hidden and not-so-hidden agendas — for some of them it even seems to be some sort of an ignominious hobby, of sorts), but I will refrain from doing so (here). Skepticism and objectivity are good things, but ONLY when they are used for good and in good ways. It is of utmost importance that you are warned about this very sad state of affairs and these unfortunate people. You have been forewarned. Don't try to say I didn't warn you. )
And, in case you were wondering or concerned, I have absolutely no financial interest in or association with MMS, et al. (I expand on that in the disclaimer, which you should read) It is important to me that I have NO Conflict of Interest, and I take great pains to insure that is true. The fact that I have created this website (dozens of hours) and done all of this work without any, or any thought or expectation of, or interest in, remuneration, recompense, reward, or anything of the sort, should be a clue as to what I really think about MMS. (and the McVegan Dietary Lifestyle)
That said (with all due humility, in case you didn't notice and/or weren't paying attention — it's a joke, son, don't fall on your sword), read on...
(note that you might have to 'pardon my sense of humor' here and there — and, I suppose if, by chance, you think I am being "arrogant", or "egotistical", or something like that, try to let it go and do not let that negatively affect you and your chances at being Healthy and Well — don't sweat the small stuff and concentrate and focus on what is really important – Your Health and Well-Being)
Uno momento, por favor...
I hope you will agree to a "Contract" of sorts, that simply states that WHEN — NOT if
– When CHP helps you Restore Your Health, you will
incessantly, vociferously, and vocally sing its praises as I have done here and Spread the
Word far and wide to anyone and everyone you know, or meet, or with whom you come into
contact (whether they will listen or not). It is not anywhere close to too much to ask.
PLEASE Pay It Foward.
We have a world to help be healthy, after all, as well as the alleviation of so much completely
unnecessary pain, suffering, agony, misery, and death. It's no small task, but it is very doable.
And it is apparently up to us to do it. And, yes, WE CAN.
Don't forget to read the Disclaimer! Read it!
Now, Begin Your Journey, go learn more about CHP, MMS, the McVegan Diet,
and Get and Stay Healthy:
CHP (The Clean Health Protocol)