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ANY and ALL parts should be considered under review and in a state of flux
and NOT necessarily 'the FINAL wording', and should be received and
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True genius resides in the capacity for
evaluation of uncertain, hazardous,
and conflicting information.
— Winston Churchill
Other Information of Note and To Consider
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A Note About the Genesis II Church of Health & Healing
This "church" calls itself a Health Church (and that is really what they are; or are
supposed to be). They are, ostensibly, and self-proclaimed, if not self-realized, a secular,
non-religious, non-denominational, and basically spiritual-based entity in the generic sense. So
each person can also have any spiritual or religious beliefs they want and belong to whatever
other spiritual or religious church or religion or life philosophy they want to join and with
which they want to associate themselves. (or be agnostic or atheist)
Update Note: Unfortunately, the people in charge of the "church" cannot separate their extreme religious beliefs, too many of which are hurtful and ignorant and hyper-dogmatic, from the Genesis II Church of Health & Healing. So they too often make comments and statements and claims that SHOULD go against the "church's" 'teachings' and beliefs. These aberrant remarks seem to be based in Catholicism, or some other "Christian"-based "faith". This has gotten increasingly worse ove time. It is truly unfortunate that they have chosen to go down this path. It is inevitably hurting the MMS "cause" and "movement" and will continue to do so as long as they continue with their rather extreme asininity.
Hopefully some day someone will become in charge who will not act that way. So I cannot support their "church" and will not become a member. I can see myself, and others, moving away from the wording and usage of "MMS" and make it a truly generic wording that does not have the baggage that MMS carries with it. That baggage is getting heavier and heavier over time. We need something new at this point. We need to fully bring MMS into the 21st Century. ("MMS" really isn't the best term for the substance, anyway —— and maybe there is a need for a new "church" that does what theirs claims to do but does not)
Although we do not want to put words in their mouths, and we would not be surprised that they truly believe in what they are doing, especially in regard to their mostly non-religious aspects of what they suggest with their "church" — most probably, part of the reason why they have set up a "church" is to protect themselves from being attacked by governmental and law enforcement agencies, as they have been somewhat relentlessly over the years. Some people have even been prosecuted for "Practicing Medicine Without A License" and similar criminal justice violations, and even been put in jail.
That is why we are very careful in what we say here on this website and the way we present the information and all that. We DO NOT want to, and DO NOT, "Practice Medicine Without A License" or anything of the sort. Not even close. We are simply an information nexus. Nothing more, nothing less.
Part of their declared "sacraments" is the drinking of MMS. And, since they are a 'religion', you cannot say they cannot do it. Or not 'proselytize' about it and spread the Good Word, etc. They are protected in that sense, and you cannot blame them, especially based on historical activity and actions. If we are correct, they haven't been the first to do something like this, and they will not be the last. So we mostly ignore this aspect of their 'enterprise', as can you, although we do strongly believe and support their secular-like 'beliefs', which are universally laudable:
- Doing good deeds
- Doing what is right
- Good health for all mankind
- Freedom for all mankind
- Enlightening others with truth
- Helping one another
- Integrity in all things
Since we are very supportive of what they are doing (in regard to MMS), and why they are
doing it, I suppose we are, in effect, de facto "members" (however that works), of the "church".
Protection is a good thing. People SHOULD be protected regarding MMS, and for letting
people know about it, etc.... We are looking into becoming actual, official members, just to be
safe. (which is better than 'sorry')
"They", the 'church', and the people who run it, and who are involved with it, are not perfect, as no one is. Such is the way of the world. And obviously part of the Human Condition. "What else is new". (the current 'leaders' are Catholic, or some kind of seemingly Christian religion, and sometimes that spills over too much in what they say and how they say it, but that is to be expected — we (personally) just ignore that aspect of their message)
Check out their website if you want: (there is actually quite a bit of good information there)
NOTE: The U.S. Government is attacking the Church and its founders and has illegally,
unlawfully, and unethically disabled their original website. Below are some alternate links to
various versions of the website(s), some archived via the Internet Archive Wayback Machine. All
of the website links may not work and the content can be haphazard. But it will give you an idea
of what the site originally looked like, with some of the content present.
It looks like there is now a version of the website located here:
Genesis II Church of Health & Healing
If that site goes down, you can also view an archived version of the website via the Internet
Archive Wayback Machine:
Archive – Genesis II Church of Health & Healing
Here is a 2018 version of the original website archived via the Internet Archive Wayback Machine:
Archive — G2C HQ – Genesis II Church of Health & Healing (Official) – MMS
Here is a version of the original website in another country:
G2C HQ – Genesis II Church of Health & Healing (Official) – MMS
Original website link:
G2C HQ – Genesis II Church of Health & Healing (Official) – MMS