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"There are more things in heaven and Earth...
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy."
— William Shakespeare
"Hamlet" – Act 1 Scene 5
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Mind Over Matter —
Health Energy Force Multipliers & Enhancers
"Mind Over Matter" is a fascinating concept that is more powerful than most people think.
This page will discuss MOM and associated concepts with anecdotal stories and informational
sections that will most likely additionally help you Achieve Health Restoration. (and
usually accomplish it faster and more efficaciously than if these techniques were not employed)
This page will discuss subjects like:
• Mind Over Matter
• Visualization
• Affirmations
• Intention & Focused Intention
• Meditation
• Laughter Is The Best Medicine
• The Power of Positive Thinking
• You Can't Afford The Luxury of A Negative Thought
• Thinking Good Thoughts
• "White Light"
• Placebo Effect
• Nocebo Effect
• Positivity versus Negativity, Non-Positive, & Negative Beliefs & Thoughts
• Hypnosis & Self-Hypnosis
• Noetic Sciences
• Positive, Supportive, & Healthful Inner Thoughts
• Self-Empowerment
• Dissolving Self-Criticism
• nextitemhere
Following are collected notes that will be used to fill this page with content.
Emotions, Beliefs, Mental Attitudes, and other Psychology play a VERY large part in healing AND becoming ill. It is fairly well known that a person can literally "make themselves ill" in a variety of ways via the mind. "It's all in your mind" has become a very negative and derogatory usage, and it can be in context, but there is much to the concept in a non-negative and non-derogatory sense. AND "mindfulness" can also help a person to become better in the same respect.
The videos below are interesting. (in whole, or in part) Since literally anything is possible, this is, too.
I try things like this from time to time. It's all very interesting. I partly "believe" because I've proven it to myself. Replacing Faith with Personal Knowledge is important to switch from Belief to Truth-based and Fact-based Knowing-Reality.
One time I got rid of all of the warts on my hands (several) through "Mind Over Matter". I just chose each one in turn, and a few times a day or so I would say out loud or think, "Time for you to go away." And after a couple of days each one would start to shrink and dry up and a black spot would develop in the middle, and a few days later the wart was completely gone. And then I would move on to the next. In less than a couple of months they were all gone and never came back. My sister applied the same self-treatment and got the same results, as well. Although she did not keep up with it, and eventually got rid of the rest in a week using MMS.
So I need to start doing this again for my health and such. I always "forget" and don't do it even though I know it works and I know I should.
There is a lot of stuff "out there" about this, like the books, "The Power of Positive Thinking", "You Can't Afford The Luxury of A Negative Thought", and others, and concepts like "Laughter Is The Best Medicine", and Visualization and Focused Intention being All-Important, etc.
As usual, Can't Hurt, Might Help. (probably will help quite a bit)
Religious and/or Spiritual -based "prayers" are just another form of Affirmation and the like.
Although "believers" give them more credit than that.
Similar to Thinking Good Thoughts, Sending White Light, etc.
Since I'm not a "God person", here is the Affirmation, Visualization, and Focused Intention I've decided upon:
"I Thank & Acknowledge the Multiverse and The Positive & Spiritual Powers That Be for Blessing Me with and Bestowing Upon Me Health Restoration Through This Solution and These Health Treatments as I Trust the Process of Life to Take Care of Me."
The above affirmation has begun working and continues to work well, and has been proved to not be a Placebo Effect, because placebos usually only work for a week or so, and then stop working. (otherwise we would only need placebos)
Here is merely one anecdote of THOUSANDS that you can find if you look: There was a doctor in the Bay Area (Cali) some years ago (1990s) who did some very interesting work along those lines. He took it some number of steps further, to the point of what most people would call "Woo Woo" to put it nicely. I met him and some other people who had moved up into the mountains of NorCal to create an "health community". I don't remember his name and lost touch with them, so I don't know the current status. There was a young man there helping around the place who had a VERY bad back strain from doing something the day before. Working, or chopping firewood, or stacking it, I forget. He was pretty stoved up and could barely move and walk or turn his head. The doctor talked to him about it, discovered that the night before the guy had talked to his father and gotten in an argument, and that they had a very strained relationship. After talking to the guy for a short time, the doctor got him to realize that he hadn't really strained his back, it was from his interaction and history with his father. His back immediately felt 100% better and he was fine. That's what this doctor was able to do. I had no reason to not believe this person's story having heard it first hand and seeing and experiencing the shock, amazement, and sincerity in his voice and words. Plus I knew something about the doctor's history. This was pre-Internet.
If you don't know about this kind of stuff, you can "do your own research" ('famous last words') about the Nocebo Effect and some other things most people have probably at least heard of, like "The Power of Positive Thinking", "You Can't Afford the Luxury of a Negative Thought", "Laughter Is The Best Medicine", 'Mind Over Matter' and The Institute of Noetic Sciences (founded in 1973 by NASA astronaut Edgar Mitchell and others) that describes Noetic Sciences as "how beliefs, thoughts, and intentions affect the physical world", and other similar information.
I am willing to release the pattern within me that is creating this experience or condition.