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ANY and ALL parts should be considered under review and in a state of flux
and NOT necessarily 'the FINAL wording', and should be received and
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Ubik ... Safe when taken as directed.
— Philip K. Dick, "Ubik"
This page is under re-construction and review
MMS – Master Mineral Solution
(aka MMS1 = CD = Chlorine Dioxide; and CDS(olution);
& MMS2 = Calcium Hypochlorite)
Disclaimer: Read it!
Preface: A personal note to start, for reassurance and encouragement, about "The 'Miracle' of CHP – The Clean Health Protocol".
CHP is part of a quickly growing Grassroots Health Revolution Movement .
This includes its sub-protocols, MMS (Master Mineral Solution), aka CD (Chlorine Dioxide + more), or the "Amber Herb" (my term), as well as the McVegan Dietary Lifestyle.
I may or may not be "wise", but I do have a genius-level IQ (+/-), not that that necessarily means anything, and in its own way is neither here nor there, as they say, but it doesn't mean 'nothing' either. I simply mention it to make the point that I am not some I-don't-know-what (?) who is talking about something he knows nothing about and is not "qualified" to talk about it. Any negative or derogatory thoughts down those lines would be FAR from the truth and reality of the situation.
Arguably, I am not as sharp as I was 30 or 40 years ago +/-, and my memory is not as good as it used to be, but I still "do better" than most people I know, meet, come into contact with, interact with, etc.... So at least there's that.
I am very well-read, highly objective, intellectually skeptical, have very strong Logic and Critical Thinking skills, and an extensive knowledge of, and keen interest in, science. (in a mostly hobbyist / lay-person-ish sense) Basically a 'scientific mind'. I had 'always' planned on becoming a scientist of some sort when I 'grew up', and I did become an Information Scientist. ("computer stuff")
And I have many years of self-study & learning about, and personal use & implementation of, Alternative Medicine and Treatments, Naturopathic Medicine, Wholistic & Holistic concepts, Herbology, and "Home Remedies". Basically the gamut of Natural & Complementary Medicinal Self-Treatment, Techniques, Methodologies, Therapies, & Philosophies, and related concepts. As well as Nutritional & Dietary Health Information. All in a Lay-Person sense & implementation. As one should, this is often augmented by Traditional Conventional Western Allopathic Medicine when needed.
— BTW, DO NOT shy away from the concept of "Home Remedy", or allow any negative thoughts or feelings about them dissuade you from allowing this information to help you achieve Health Restoration. Some Home Remedies work very well, and what we discuss here is one of them / some of them.
Therefore, when I am talking about something, you can rest assured that I am most likely speaking from a very strong knowledge-based and well-informed viewpoint. I take a bit of pride in that fact. And then throw in a goodly dose of Science-oriented Objective Skepticism, and there really isn't much to complain about. (though people will and do – imo in an invalid, erroneous, and mistaken manner)
I have done a large amount of research, investigation, study, and learning on and about MMS — hundreds of hours; I know more about the subject than I ever wanted to know; that research continues. At this point, I am about as much of a lay-expert on the subject as a person can be.
Rest assured that I would NOT personally use something that I thought might harm me, and I
definitely would not use something on my companion animals (or my sister or
brothers, friends, etc.; note the listing order there) that might cause harm, or
"suggest" that others use something that might harm them.
(In ALL Things, First, Do No Harm)
In my opinion, MMS is as safe as I can imagine something like it can be, and possibly or
probably even MUCH safer than that. (and almost absolutely safer than most traditional /
mainstream "medicines" and "treatments" — you've seen the commercial advertisements on TV
– "Side effects include possible sudden death, anal leakage, blindness, and....")
MMS is almost definitely safe for human consumption and use,
well Beyond A Reasonable Doubt, if not Beyond A Shadow of A Doubt, with basically ZERO
negative side-effects.
And its efficacy seems to be unparalleled. (it literally seems to stand alone in that regard — if I 'believed' in such things, I would seriously consider referring to it as an honest-to-gods "Miracle Cure" — it is most likely the only thing we will ever find that seems to deserve that designation – this is not close to exaggeration, overstatement, or hyperbole)
The proof is in the pudding, as they say. If MMS was hurtful or harmful or anything of the sort, I would be hurt or harmed by it, as much as I've taken it over the last several years, instead of bettered health, increasingly better health, and Health Restoration. And the same would be true for literally thousands, if not tens of thousands, possibly hundreds of thousands, of other people, all around the world. There's a "Clue" for you.
BUT, DO NOT just trust me and take my word for it. Read, research, investigate, study,
learn. Educate yourself. Become informed, aware, and knowledgeable, so YOU can have an
informed opinion and make informed decisions and choices about YOUR Health.
Exercise your personal responsibility. Do Your Due Diligence.
( And while you do so, BEWARE the lies, propaganda, misinformation and disinformation spouted by pseudo-intellectuals, sub-intellectuals and agenda-mongers (and some outright fear-mongers and scare-mongers) who will try to misinform you, and steer you wrong, and who DO NOT have your best interests at heart, no matter how loudly they exclaim or proclaim otherWise. I don't mean to be mean, but they really are mostly sad, unfortunate & pathetic, hyper-ignorant, myopic, petty, troglodyte simpletons, at BEST. I could use some other choice words for them (partly deserved by them because they are ACTIVELY hurting people through their hyper-ignorance and worse, and hidden and not-so-hidden agendas — for some of them it even seems to be some sort of an ignominious hobby, of sorts), but I will refrain from doing so (here). Skepticism and objectivity are good things, but ONLY when they are used for good and in good ways. It is of utmost importance that you are warned about this very sad state of affairs and these unfortunate people. You have been forewarned. Don't try to say I didn't warn you. )
And, in case you were wondering or concerned, I have absolutely no financial interest in or association with MMS, et al. (I expand on that in the disclaimer, which you should read) It is important to me that I have NO Conflict of Interest, and I take great pains to insure that is true. The fact that I have created this website (dozens of hours) and done all of this work without any, or any thought or expectation of, or interest in, remuneration, recompense, reward, or anything of the sort, should be a clue as to what I really think about MMS. (and the McVegan Dietary Lifestyle)
That said (with all due humility, in case you didn't notice and/or weren't paying attention — it's a joke, son, don't fall on your sword), read on...
(note that you might have to 'pardon my sense of humor' here and there — and, I suppose if, by chance, you think I am being "arrogant", or "egotistical", or something like that, try to let it go and do not let that negatively affect you and your chances at being Healthy and Well — don't sweat the small stuff and concentrate and focus on what is really important – Your Health and Well-Being)
Uno momento, por favor...
I hope you will agree to a "Contract" of sorts, that simply states that WHEN — NOT if
– When CHP helps you Restore Your Health, you will
incessantly, vociferously, and vocally sing its praises as I have done here and Spread the
Word far and wide to anyone and everyone you know, or meet, or with whom you come into
contact (whether they will listen or not). It is not anywhere close to too much to ask.
PLEASE Pay It Foward.
We have a world to help be healthy, after all, as well as the alleviation of so much completely
unnecessary pain, suffering, agony, misery, and death. It's no small task, but it is very doable.
And it is apparently up to us to do it. And, yes, WE CAN.
NOTE: Please keep in mind that the MMS protocols mentioned here are still
evolving, and will continue to be improved upon as new discoveries are made.
ALSO: When dealing with chemicals and compounds and solutions, take note and DO NOT get
your 'ides' and 'ites' and 'ates' mixed up, or atoms, and molecules, and
compounds, or your base compounds versus 'Di-', 'Tri-', etc. (or Calcium vs. Sodium vs. Chlorine)
— Chemistry is a Wonderful and Many Splendored Thing, but can also be dangerous, so
always be VERY careful, cautious, and mindful.
•• We will use this page to discuss important information about MMS, what it is, how it works, some of the science, the history behind it, and other pertinent information. The next page, Using MMS / CD / ClO2, will discuss the usage and implementation of the protocols.
Although it seems that MMS apparently and reportedly has almost NO known negative interactions
with medicinal medications, alternative and herbal medications, and the like, MMS protocols have
been known to cancel out the effect of Birth Control Pills. This is very important
information to know for some people. There is no known work around for this issue. So be careful
and cautious in this regard if you are taking birth control medication, and take appropriate
actions and precautions, as needed and necessary.
(we will always attempt to keep people as informed as possible about situations like this, but,
obviously, we can only do so much, so that needs to be considered, as well — that is why
You MUST Do Your Due Diligence in reading, study, research, etc....., to keep up-to-date,
aware, educated, and well-informed — this is "The Nature of the Beast", so to speak)
The first Sub-Protocol of CHP – The Clean Health Protocol, are the MMS Protocols. MMS stands for Master Mineral Solution. (formerly Miracle Mineral Supplement) It is also known as "CD", or "Chlorine Dioxide" (ClO2; – and Acidified or Acid-Activated Sodium Chlorite), although, technically, that would be MMS1. We also refer to it as the Amber Herb. There are also other forms of ClO2, such as CDS – Chlorine Dioxide Solution, which is fully activated MMS1.
MMS was "discovered" and originally popularized by Jim Humble, in the context and usage described herein. It was then developed over many years along with Mark Grenon and others (Andreas Kalcker, etc.). Together they created the protocols as we know them today. (along with help and input and experimentation and usage and report-back by MANY others)
Because "Science" and "Medicine" refuse to investigate "MMS" (CD), et al., because there is no money in it (although they are working on the moneymaking aspects now, in a small way), what we know about MMS and how it works and how well it works, etc., has become a Grassroots Health Revolution Movement.
"We" (the people) are choosing to take back our health and responsibility for it without (or with minimal) regard to the highly-corrupted institution of medicine and the like. (BIG Pharma, the Medical Industrial Complex, and the Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex, which are ALL greed and money-based and influenced in the extreme to the point of near-invalidity and uselessness — imo/ioo, of course)
Since "MMS" is so cheap and easy to get, make, and use, and therefore money can't really be made with it, the people involved who make it available and share and spread the information about it tend to do so literally "out of the goodness of their hearts", "because they 'believe' ", and because they simply want to help other people, sometimes at no charge (or donations are requested), and often because they were helped by MMS, so they feel a duty and obligation to "Pay It Forward".
On this page we will attempt to convey the theories and anecdotal (and empirical) observations, facts, truths, and realities, of how MMS works. Like the McVegan Dietary Lifestyle, we have not seen ONE (valid, verified) reported negative report about the use of MMS, whether something like "It didn't work for me", or some kind of harm coming to pass. Literally ZERO problems or issues, which is relatively unheard of when it comes to alternative health "medicinals" and "Home Remedies".
Therefore, it seems to be completely safe, and, equally important, highly effective as to its "claims". It's efficacy is (almost?) unparalleled, especially in the widespread manner in which it is effective. The following content and links are information sources about MMS that you need to use as the beginning of your research, investigation, and study of and about MMS. Remember to Do Your Due Diligence.
"Self-dosing" through voluntary "Self-Care" is a Human Right that has been exercised since the beginning of recorded history. (and most probably before that) To paraphrase (and 'correct') Mark Grenon, "People have an INHERENT right and INHERENTLY POSSESS THE INALIENABLE RIGHT to control their own health and not rely on the pharmaceutical and medical industries."
If you are a "natural doubter" of such things, which is understandable, perhaps you should do a
quick read of a short personal experience and testimonial that has what seems like
semi-miraculous results, then come back and continue on. That may help you get over the Hump of Doubt,
and all of this may make more sense in the claims of what MMS does and can do, and you may read
it with more of an open mind and keen interest.
SEE: A Short Sister Story: The 'Miracle' That Is MMS
(then return here and continue on...)
It is now 'our' opinion that it is a literal Crime Against Humanity that this
information about the efficacy of MMS seems to be, or absolutely is, being actively
suppressed by "someone" — Governments, Governmental Agencies, BIG Pharma, the Medical
Industrial Complex, the Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex, etc.... And/or Simple Human Ignorance
and/or Self-Destructive & Self-Sabotaging Thinking, Beliefs and/or Behaviors.
It is now known that this information has been known about for literally DECADES (since at least
the 1980s). And in that time MILLIONS upon MILLIONS, tens of millions, if not hundreds of
millions, of people – men, women, the elderly, boys, girls, teens, babies – children
of all ages – all around the world, have been UNNECESSARILY unhealthy, sick, ill, dying,
near death, and have needlessly suffered and died. (too many, if not most, painfully and
agonizingly so)
This is not overstated, it is not an exaggeration, and it is not hyperbole. And, if it is true,
and it most definitely seems to be, if not absolutely is, then it is a Crime
Against Humanity.
It is a literal Medical Holocaust and an Health Holocaust.
Your Learning Journey Starts Now
(with Health Restoration on the horizon)
MMS is a 'mineral solution' that, when used according to discovered, designed, and developed protocols,
cleanses the human body of toxins and pathogens. It is a form of a super-oxidizer and Detox.
When used to detoxify your body, it allows your built-in natural healing to take place, including allowing your immune system to function properly. Toxins (chemicals, heavy metals, & poisons, etc.) and pathogens (viruses, bacteria, parasites, etc.) can overwhelm your immune system, causing it to not function well, or properly. This is the cause of most human poor and bad health issues, illnesses, diseases, etc., both acute and chronic in nature.
Once freed of this attack on your bodily systems, whatever they may be, your immune system and natural healing ability can flourish, and you can achieve curative results, health and well-being. A Restoration of Health.
Before we continue, one would think it would be obvious to the point of being self-evident that a person should stay as far away from poisons, toxins, and other nasty things, as they can. Which, admittedly, is difficult in our modern world. But just do the best that you can. Eat organic foods as much as possible. Stay away from ALL chemicals as much as you can, or be careful when you use them. (household & industrial cleaners and products, pesticides, paints, etc... — use face masks, respirators, gloves, etc.) DO NOT consume artificial chemical sweeteners (sucralose, aspartame, cyclamates, saccharin, etc.) and DO NOT consume HFCS (High Fructose Corn Syrup), which is basically poisonous. (ioo, of course)
Before we discuss the actual Protocols and other information, we would like to present some background information, so that we are all on the same page and know what's what. Because this "Home Remedy" is something you will be doing yourself (ALWAYS "should YOU decide to do it"), you ideally need to know as much information about it all as possible.
We generally do not suggest it, but, if you want to skip the science and information section for now, you can go directly to the usage section of The Protocols.
A Quick Chemistry 101 & Biological Science Review
We will try to keep this semi-scientific introduction to MMS as brief and simple as possible.
MMS ('raw' & "unactivated") is a 22.4% aqueous solution of ("Food Grade") Sodium Chlorite (NaClO2) diluted in pure (STEAM distilled) water. Along with Chlorine Dioxide (MMS1), it CAN be used as a disinfectant, and as a "bleaching agent" (especially in stronger concentrations), but, then, so can lemon juice (citric acid), vinegar, sunlight, and oxygen. ("MMS" is basically "Oxygen Therapy" which causes detoxification)
Sodium Chlorite is often used as a Water Purifier, and it is often sold as such "officially" for use to make MMS. (you can get it in tablet form to put in canteens of water to purify it when hiking, camping, etc.) Detractors and the like attempt to disparage BOTH Sodium Chlorite and Chlorine Dioxide as "Industrial Bleaching Agents" and "Industrial Disinfectants", and they ARE used as such in very strong concentrations. The fairly weak concentrations used for MMS are MUCH different from "industrial use" versions, formulations, and concentrations. (this should be obvious to the point of being self-evident — no one in their right mind would consume "industrial strength" anything)
DO NOT let the Chlorine atom confuse you, or make you think that you are consuming "bleach" ("Clorox" or common household / laundry bleach — which is actually sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl or NaClO), a completely different chemical compound), and do not allow others to bully and fearmonger you into that false belief, either.
(it is always very sad when people let other people unduly affect and manipulate them – it is a terrible personal violation, and a form of mental and emotional violence — and too many of the perpetrators seem to get some type of sad glee and unsavory fervor out of it, all the while obviously not caring about the people they are affecting, no matter their VERY dubious claims to the contrary — BEWARE: THAT is "how they get you" — and these people are, unfortunately, legion)
Remember that Sodium Chloride (NaCl) is common table salt. (science and chemistry are fascinating — but you only need to know the rudimentary facts to be minimally informed) The point being that, just because a chemical compound has Chlorine atoms in it, it does NOT make it "bad", or "bleach", or "toxic", or "poisonous", etc...
MMS is activated with a weak acid ('acidified sodium chlorite' or "Activated Sodium Chlorite"), creating MMS1, or Chlorine Dioxide (ClO2). You can use a weak solution (4%) of Hydrochloric Acid (H2O:HCl, which is what our stomachs use to help digest food), or Citric Acid (C6H8O7 — Lemon Juice is 5% to 6% citric acid), or Acetic Acid (C2H4O2 — Vinegar is about 5–20% acetic acid).
Note that the current "consensus" seems to be that using Hydrochloric Acid as the activator is the best choice because the taste is much better and the resulting MMS is more palatable than the other choices, which have a "strong taste" and can cause stomach upset for some people.
The MMS1 (CD) is actually a gas dissolved in water, and is an amber-ish color. (which is how you know it 'activated' correctly) Note that the Hydrochloric Acid activated MMS has a MUCH better taste and smell than the other methods. (usually lemon juice) The consumed concentrations start out at about a few parts per million (ppm) in an aqueous solution (STEAM distilled water) and can go up to ten to twenty times that or so, depending on the chosen protocols. (so ~50 ppm, or generally less than 100 ppm +/-)
The reaction chemistry of mixing MMS, solutions of Sodium Chlorite and Hydrochloric Acid, is:
5NaClO2 + 4HCl ==> 4ClO2 + 5NaCl + 2H2O
The products and byproducts are the completely safe substances Chlorine Dioxide, table salt, and
water. (with possible minimal traces of Sodium Chlorite and Hydrochloric Acid, the former of
which the Hydrochloric Acid in your stomach will activate, and the latter is so slight it can be
ignored) The pH (measure of acidity or alkalinity) is generally about 6.0 or so, so slightly
acidic. (pure water is neutral at 7.0) That is partly why you mix it into 4 oz. or 1/2 cup of
water before you drink it, to dilute it and make it more palatable.
Here is some information that is more detailed and expanded about the
Basic Science of MMS from Jim Humble's MMS Wiki at
NOTE: Sadly, and disgustedly, due to some U.S. governMental ASSininity [sic], the Wiki website
has disappeared. Either temporarily or permanently. You can see most of it using the Internet
Archive Wayback Machine: (
If/when it is available again, in its original location, or elsewhere, we will re-link to it.
The Admitted and Known Safety in Using
Sodium Chlorite and Chlorine Dioxide
in Human and Non-Human Animals
This linked page (regarding the Snoot Nasal Cleanser product, also linked to below) does a
nice job of describing the chemical differences between
• true liquid "bleach" (Clorox (common household / laundry bleach) is a brand name —
which, btw, is NOT "pure chlorine", it is
sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl or NaClO)),
and •
sodium chlorite (without the hypo prefix, a completely & totally different
chemical compound, (NaClO2 – what a difference an 'extra' oxygen atom can
and • sodium chloride (common table salt),
and • chlorine dioxide (MMS(1) – Acidified Sodium Chlorite),
and some of their importance and uses in our lives.
Snoot! Spray - Understanding Bleach, Chlorine, Salt and Acidified Sodium Chlorite
This web page is written in more layperson terms and may make it all much clearer. It is a fairly short and
quick read, so we STRONGLY suggest you do so. We'll wait.... (but, while you're there, you might
want to read more about Snoot – we will comment below)
It is interesting, to say the least, that NIH-approved (National Institute of Health) Snoot brand nasal spray, as per their website, claims that Snoot's:
naturally drug-free formula is mostly purified water with very small amounts of glycerin, lactic
acid, sodium carbonate, citric acid, and even smaller amounts of
sodium chlorite, sodium chloride,
wetting agents, cinnamal, sodium hydroxide, and glutaral. We use
the minimum necessary amount of FDA-approved safe FD&C colors to provide for visibility safety --
so people can see which part is A or B. When the two parts are mixed, they generate a very small
amount of acidified sodium chlorite
[aka chlorine dioxide], one of the safest
antimicrobials known to science.
[notation and emphases ours — and while we're commenting, does
this, including their "two-solution mixture", sound familiar??]
THAT is why they have that whole page about the safety of human use of sodium chlorite and chlorine dioxide and explaining the difference between various compounds that have the chlorine atom in them. And they are not the only ones that have been given a "pass" to use CD on people. Because of the (I'll be polite this time) "naysayers" (and their ILLk [sicK]), needlessly fearmongering people, Snoot had to put the following text on their website in bold on their "How It Works" page:
"Snoot! Cleanser does not contain what is commonly called "chlorine" (aka, "laundry bleach",
technically known as sodium hypochlorite, which is bad stuff)."
[what they mean is that it would be bad to consume it –
actual bleach does some good things for us when it is used correctly, for laundry cleaning and
Snoot is suggested as an alternative to Neti Pots, due to Neti Pot risks and DEATHS (from water contaminated with brain-eating amoeba) that have been reported. The "funny" thing is (in a Cosmic Joke sort of way), if someone DID become very ill due to Neti Pot use, MMS would eliminate that health risk and restore the person to heath. (almost guaranteed — and we only use the 'almost' qualifier to be 'objective' (and 'legal'))
Other products that use chlorine dioxide as an ingredient for human use are the DioxiCare company products ("The Chlorine Dioxide Experts") from Frontier Pharmaceutical, Inc. that include the oral care products DioxiRinse mouthwash and DioxiBrite toothpaste. See: The Science of Chlorine Dioxide on their website. That page starts out with:
When hearing the words "chlorine dioxide" you probably think of chlorine, a harsh chemical used
in the backyard pool. Both are oxidizing agents but have little else in common. Chlorine
dioxide is a friendly compound used to disinfect meat, seafood, fruit and surfaces, whiten
teeth, eliminate odors, and treat wounds and infections. Numerous studies have shown
that chlorine dioxide, at appropriate concentrations, has no adverse health effects, either by
skin contact or ingestion. It does not irritate or leave toxic residues, as does chlorine
bleach, nor inhibit wound healing, as do many strong disinfectants. On the contrary, chlorine
dioxide offers many benefits.
[emphases ours — of course, when "we" make these claims, "we"
are "misguided", and "don't know what we're talking about", and are "trying to poison people",
ad infinitum, ad nauseum]
Again, they obviously feel the need to justify their use of CD and reassure their prospective customers that CD is "perfectly safe" for human use. (so, remember this when you see the "naysayers" spouting their extreme and utter bullshit LIES about MMS and CD, et al.) We also suggest you go to their website and read the full text of that page, as well. The following additional excerpt is also something that should be noted:
The DioxiCare System is non-toxic and non-irritating, making the compound suitable for use on
the body. Chlorine dioxide does not break down into irritating and carcinogenic by-products, as
does chlorine bleach. The safety of chlorine dioxide is confirmed by extensive testing,
including many studies performed by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
Studies show that DioxiCare is an outstanding promoter of wound healing, and has successfully
treated many skin diseases. In addition to antimicrobial properties, the DioxiCare System
likely oxidizes and neutralizes free radicals and cytokines - the irritating compounds released
by the body in response to injury or disease.
[emphases ours — of course, when "we" make these claims, "we"
are "misguided", and "don't know what we're talking about", and are "trying to poison people",
ad infinitum, ad nauseum]
Frontiere also has Veterinary products that use CD (MMS). From their website:
New to Veterinary Medicine
Antiseptic and Disinfectant
A new antiseptic - chlorine dioxide complex - developed by Frontier Pharmaceutical Inc. is now
available in various product formulations for use in veterinary medicine. This versatile biocide
solves many of the disinfection problems encountered in veterinary medicine. These range from
the management of topical infections, deep and post surgical wounds, to controlling chronic skin
and ear infections including malasezzia and ringworm and on to disinfecting hands and
sterilizing surfaces.
In-vitro laboratory studies have demonstrated that active, stabilized chlorine dioxide complex
kills bacteria in one minute and is equally microbicidal against viruses, yeast and fungi.
The active complex is safe for topical use, non irritating to the skin or damaging to the
fur. It promotes healing and reduces scar[r]ing. [sic] Chlorine dioxide complex is now
available as a stable single part solution that unlike its prior form, avoids the need for
separate solutions to be mixed and measured. This pharmaceutical development is patent pending,
and a major step forward in simplifying the handling and dispensing of this fast acting
Currently, there are 2 new chlorine dioxide products available for use in the veterinary market
including Ciderm(R) SP, Topical Wound Antiseptic, and Earigant(R) SP ear cleanser/otitis
treatment. There are several other products under development including an antiseptic wound
irrigation and shampoo wash solution, mouth spray and disinfecting / sterilizing surface spray.
...Ciderm SP Topical Antiseptic Wound Care products contain a proprietary formulation of stable
chlorine dioxide complex (approx 160 ppm) in an aqueous
base designed for use in the topical management of wounds. These products provide fast
bacteriocidal activity in infected wounds, help prevent secondary infection in sterile wounds
and assist in healing and scar reduction. The active chlorine dioxide liquid does not
interfere with wound healing and is not neutralized by organic contaminants as is the case
with other topical antiseptics.
[emphases ours — of course, when "we" make these claims, "we"
are "misguided", and "don't know what we're talking about", and are "trying to poison people,
and non-human animals", ad infinitum, ad nauseum — AND, NOTE the amount used, 160
parts per million — "MMS" is usually well-less than 100 ppm]
Again, sound familiar? (they have apparently found a way to keep the CD in a stable matrix form, probably so they can patent it, as they noted, which means they can then make money off of it now, and it also makes it easier to use, as opposed to the two-solution mixture method) These are just a few examples. (that can all be accomplished using MMS, in case that wasn't clear)
You will most likely find others during your Due Diligence research. And, especially now that they can make money off of it, we will most likely see Chlorine Dioxide used in many more products and situations in the future.
Here are a couple of videos, Parts 1 (50 min.) and 2, that talk about some of this, and more.
("Still confused about MMS? Big Pharma vs Holistic treatment - PART 1")
NOTE: Due to The Great YouTube Purge, some of these videos were
unethically removed by YouTube for no good reason. We will try to give an alternate source when
and if possible.
[unfortunately, we have not been able to source these videos at alternative sites]
'MMS' in Registered U.S. Patents As An HIV Treatment and More
Interestingly, someone registered U.S. Patent #6,086,922 in 2000 to use "MMS" (ClO2
– Chlorine Dioxide) for use as an HIV treatment. We don't know if it was ever used, or what
became of it. We've never heard of it being used, which is typical. One can't help but wonder if
"they" took out a patent so they can suppress it. But that is even more evidence that "MMS" is
apparently, or most likely, or possibly safe for human use in "medical treatment of viral
infections." And it is not the only patent that mentions Chlorine Dioxide for use in various
medical applications.
Abstract: The present invention is concerned with the use of a chemically-stabilized chlorite matrix for the parenteral [taken into the body in a manner other than through the digestive canal; not within the intestine; not intestinal] treatment of HIV infections. The chlorite matrix is an isotonic solution containing 5 to 100 mMol ClO2- per liter of solution.
They were most likely "onto something". It would not surprise us in the least if this "CURE" for HIV was suppressed by "Big Pharma" and/or others with nefarious agendas. (if 'we' were HIV positive and/or had AIDS, you can be ABSOLUTELY SURE that we would be trying MMS in the "off chance" that it worked, and similarly for cancers and other extreme illnesses and diseases, but particularly those situations and scenarios where we literally had "nothing to lose" — and, based on the anecdotal (and empirical) evidence, it would most likely work and be "curative")
Here are some more patents (among MANY) about using Chlorine Dioxide to "cure diseases and illnesses" that PROVE that "they" have known about this "cure" for DECADES. While MILLIONS of people, men, women, the elderly, and children, have needlessly suffered and died from diseases and illnesses for which there (apparently) absolutely IS a SAFE "cure" (Broad-Spectrum DETOX).
• Patent #4,296,103 – Stabilized solution of chlorine oxides (1981) –
"...the solution having therapeutic value."
• Patent #5,384,134 – Anti-inflammatory formulations for inflammatory diseases (granted
1995 – previously known since before 1988)
"... a method for treating dermatologic diseases caused by microbial overgrowth or inflammation,
such as psoriasis, fungal infections, eczema, dandruff, acne, genital herpes lesions, leg ulcers,
... effective in preventing the transmission of the HIV virus and other sexually transmitted
diseases ... systemic anti-inflammatory compositions and formulations and a method for reducing
tissue inflammation in tissues such as the bowel, muscle, bone, tendon and joints (e.g., arthritis).
• Patent #EP1955719B1 – Chlorine dioxide gas for use in treating respiratory virus
It is information like the above that causes us to proclaim that a literal Crime Against Humanity, a Medical Holocaust, and a Health Holocaust, has been enacted against the people of the United States of America and the world. There can be no other viable or explainable interpretation. This is not even close to exaggeration or hyperbole.
Just So You Know
This information, below, was provided at the bottom of the Disclaimer, which you should read, but we thought we should include it here, as well. Particularly now that you know more about Chlorine Dioxide.
• NOTE: Just to be completely frank, up front, open, and "transparent", you should probably read this 'article' on the website. — For a 'laugh', imo / ioo, because it is basically a JOKE, but you should be informed and aware and make your own decisions and form your own opinions, with all available information, even poor, bad, and misleading information and misinformation, disinformation and propaganda. Just be careful rolling your eyes too hard or too much, you might hurt yourself.
And, while you are there reading, please take note that they offer absolutely NO backup data or information or references or anything of the sort regarding their claims of what "MMS"/CD is supposedly doing to harm people — most likely (almost absolutely) because they do not have them, because they most probably (almost absolutely) DO NOT EXIST.
This is typical of most claims like these by governmental agencies and so-called "debunkers", and detractors, who have been known to provide skewed, slanted, distorted, and highly biased 'information', along with hyper-flawed "analysis", and even actual HOAXED information, in the attempt to make it look like they are correct (when they are not), know what they are talking about (when they do not), to backup their asininity, etc...
Danger: Don’t Drink Miracle Mineral Solution or Similar Products
The FDA warns you not to drink sodium chlorite products such as Miracle Mineral Solution.
These products can make you sick.
Perhaps someday we will pick apart this disservice and their claims point by point, including
their fallacious claims, ridiculous statements, outright lies and fabrications, and so much more,
ad infinitum, ad nauseum. —— In the mean time, I suppose I (or someone) could (most
likely in vain) inform them and educate them and make them aware of the supposedly
well-known detox-based Herxheimer Reaction, which is not uncommon, although rare, and can
happen with any detox method, like water fasting, juice cleanses, Physician-treated Pharma-based
heavy metal detox, and any and all other detoxification procedures and methodologies.
"Herxing" simply means you are detoxing too quickly. When you detox, the toxins have to be expelled by the body. This is done through the liver, kidneys, gastro-intestinal system, lungs, and skin. So, if you detox too much, too fast, you can get skin rashes, upset stomach or queasiness, nausea, diarrhea, "not feel well", or even vomit, the latter being a pretty extreme reaction. (which is why we ALWAYS take the approach of "Low and Slow", because you want to feel better, not worse – that is the point, after all)
Which the 'article' above apparently thinks, or fallaciously claims, you decide which, that "MMS"/CD is thereby "making you sick" or "harming you", etc..... Sad that they are SO uninformed, and SO uneducated, and SO unaware, that they cannot even offer decent, valid, honest, truthful, and fact-based information to the public. Makes one wonder what else they are doing and claiming that is of a similar note, or even worse. (if you ever wonder where and why the phrase "Question Authority" comes from, it is situations like this)
Please take note that their asinine claims that Chlorine Dioxide is a(n) (industrial) 'bleach', and is therefore "bad", or "dangerous", are similar to what people used to claim about DMSO being "dangerous" because it is an "industrial solvent", before it was discovered that it could be used medically and is "completely safe". (when used correctly, as with all things)
The Protocol(s)
Chlorine Dioxide is an oxidizing agent, and can be used in water treatment and also in bleaching,
because it is an oxidizer. (as is Oxygen, Ozone, Hydrogen Peroxide, Sunlight, Lemon Juice, and
many other common chemical compounds) A small amount of this MMS1 (literal 'drops') is then
further diluted in four ounces (1/2 cup) of STEAM-distilled water before it is consumed. The
current protocol is to drink this solution once an hour for eight hours per day. (with
modifications as you increase the protocol and/or take into consideration other issues, as you
will find out)
We will warn you in advance that, although this doesn't seem like "a big deal", most people find out that we are not used to doing something every hour for eight hours, so it can become annoying and tedious. But, eventually, you get used to it, and it's not a big deal after all. As a side benefit, this also helps you to stay well-hydrated.
This weak solution is what acts as a super-oxidizer and removes toxins and kills viruses and
bacteria and other pathogens so they can be eliminated from your body. This then allows your
"clean" (detoxified) body to heal itself, as it was "designed" to do (just like a cut heals
naturally, when it is kept clean and not infected, etc.). It is one of the most natural things
that we do, that our bodies do, when they are allowed to do so without encumbrance or
• Additionally, MMS2, or Calcium Hypochlorite (Ca(ClO)2), when mixed with water (taken as a self-made pill from powder), creating Hypochlorous Acid, another oxidizing agent, can be used in advanced protocols for advanced illness and bodily contamination. The human immune system naturally produces this chemical to destroy disease germs and clean up poisons in our system.
• The advanced protocols also use DMSO (Dimethyl Sulfoxide – (CH3)2SO). Effectively a type of solvent (and mild oxidant), it penetrates the skin and other membranes without damaging them and can carry other compounds (deeper / deeply) into a biological system. It can also be used as a topical analgesic and an anti-inflammatory, and other medical uses of various kinds. It is still being studied. Some claim it has cancer-fighting abilities, as well. We suggest you research it and learn more about it, including mentions of use in the "MMS Health Recovery Guidebook" manual discussed on the next page.
NOTE of WARNING and CAUTION: We have heard / read that you must be VERY CAREFUL using DMSO because it can "enhance" / intensify the effects of sedatives, blood thinners, heart medications, and steroids (and possibly other medications and such). They can be (apparently) intensified when taken along with DMSO. As usual, BE VERY CAREFUL and CAUTIOUS when using any "Home Remedy" or "self-medicating". We DO NOT know if this is true, or how true, or how "dangerous", or possibly "harmless", etc. Since DMSO seems to act like a "carrier", causing 'things' to be quickly spread throughout the body, we can imagine that there could be issues. We also suggest people be equally as careful and cautious when discussing the use of these things with "Health Professionals" who may not know as much as they claim or act like they do. Also, there is the possibility that the use of DMSO may mask other existing infection or inflammatory conditions.
• Another protocol is used when you have a problem with molds or fungi in your system. Sometimes this can interfere with the other primary protocols, so there is a Bentonite Clay Protocol that can be used to clear out most molds, fungi, spores, etc. (especially those that MMS seems to not affect and that affect the efficacy of MMS), that may be infecting your system, and after a short time, you can continue with the other primary protocols. Bentonite Clay can also detox heavy metals and other toxins, as well.
• And then there are specific protocols that seem to work better for certain issues, as
well. These are all listed in the "MMS Health Recovery Guidebook".
All of this information, in more detail, in-depth, and expanded description, can be found in the "MMS Health Recovery Guidebook" referenced and linked to on the next page, Using MMS. So you should get that book, read it, study it, and learn what it tells you. Then, if you decide to incorporate these treatments in your health regimen, you will most likely find amazing health-based results, as has been reported by many hundreds of people. Some of their testimonials are mentioned and linked to on the Testimonials page and many others can be found around the Internet World Wide Web.
"Cure All"?
MMS, and its related / suggested-use products (CDS, Indian Herb, Bentonite Clay, etc.),
may be a "cure all", or it/they may not be. There probably isn't enough information to make a
good decision in that regard, one way or another. So there may be other things you can do, or
should do, and/or use, as complementary and alternative therapies and such. (some of those could
even be allopathic / 'western medicine' / mainstream-oriented — they aren't all bad)
Some people who seem to be knowledgeable and/or have had good results with various illnesses and diseases suggest some other things that can or should be used, sometimes depending on what ails ye. Some of those that seem to have good results are listed on the Other Info page. This is NOT a definitive list.
As usual, do your research, and Do Your Due Diligence! There is a lot of good information out there on the InterWebs, and, although it can sometimes be confusing, and difficult to find, and hard to figure out what's what, you can do it. (and the more you do it, the better you will get at doing it — being and becoming a good Internet researcher is a valuable skill and tool to have, in many ways, and for many reasons)
Cavemini Imbecilles!
Despite the ignorant claims of some people, as mentioned above, taking MMS
does NOT mean you are "drinking bleach" OR "drinking hydrochloric acid", or any other such
absolute and utter nonsense. DO NOT believe the lies, propaganda, misinformation,
and disinformation.
Those are just ignorant, ridiculous, ludicrous, absurd, and asinine, if not outright stupid,
claims by people who could literally not be more wrong or misguided. (or possibly actually
stupid in the mental sense, even if it's 'emotional stupidity', which can easily override
intellectuality — this could also be a case of "Some of the most intelligent people I've
ever met have been some of the most ignorant people I've ever met", as well — intelligence
and ignorance are NOT polar opposites; intelligence and wisdom are not necessarily united, either)
DO NOT listen to anyone who makes such outlandish and false claims, and simply
read what is described in the mentioned "MMS Health Recovery Guidebook" about what
MMS really is. And then ignore the naysayers and self-styled sub-intellectual &
pseudo-intellectual pseudo-"skeptics" and pseudo-"debunkers" who DO NOT have your or anyone
else's best interests at heart. Not even close. Most of them are sad jokes, at best.
(others could actually be paid disinformants, as well — "Big Pharma", the AMA, and others,
are NOT happy about MMS, for very obvious financial reasons, and not the faux caring they
pretend — and much of it is also simple human ignorance and unfortunate "thinking",
attitudes, beliefs, and behaviours — anyone who has lived into adulthood, especially those
who have had experience with the InterWebs [sic], "Social Media", etc., sadly knows about these
issues and scenarios all too well)
We suppose we should almost apologize for our obvious irritation and annoyance with these unfortunate people. However, they are inevitably causing harm, so they pretty much deserve anything and everything "they get" for doing so. So, you know, EFF them.
Videos: Testimonials and More Information
This (effective) testimonial below is a good video that, despite the typical, ridiculous,
negative naysayers, making ignorant, outright false and stupid claims (calling MMS
"bleach", etc...), shows a celebrity actress who talks about what MMS did for her, which
is good to catch people's attention.
Note that NO ONE calls MMS a "medicine" (who knows what they are talking about), and to
call ClO2 a "bleach" as an attack is just ignorant. Ms. Wagner does have a nice comeback for
the latter, however.
Try to ignore the misinformation, disinformation, and outright propaganda that is rampant
throughout the video "news" report. (or watch the extracted snippet) You can read more about the
Genesis II Church of Health & Healing on the Other Info page.
NOTE: Due to The Great YouTube Purge, some of these videos were unethically removed by YouTube for no good reason. We will try to give an alternate source when and if possible.
Actress Lindsay Wagner (TV's "Bionic Woman", and many other works over her long career), had some
pretty severe health issues in that she was suffering for months from Chronic Urticaria, Severe
Disabling Hives, an illness that mainstream medicine could barely help her with, much less
'cure' her.
So she found MMS, used it, and achieved Health Restoration in a short amount of time. The
Hives never returned. It's nice that she decided to speak out so that others may hear about
MMS and also receive wellness and health from severe and "incurable" and chronic illness.
The full video below the first shown video is from a 2016 "expose" on "The Evils of MMS" the
local 'news' in LA did.
Her segment starts 42 seconds into the video,
if you want to skip the precursor BS, and the rest after her segment is worthless, too.
NOTE that they PURPOSEFULLY include a segment from her FICTION TV show that shows her
character's encounter with Bigfoot — this is completely arbitrary, has NOTHING to do with
the story they are "reporting on", is ABSOLUTELY unnecessary, and is ONLY included as a form of
Propaganda to negatively affect your subconscious, if you are not aware. These are the types of
things to look for that are fairly prevalent in "news" and other print and video media. When you
begin to see them, it becomes obvious that too many people have hurtful agendas.
Or watch this Fair Use video snippet Testimonial to circumvent the unnecessary and
worthless parts.
This is a must-see video that will, at the very least, make you go, "Hmmm..."
"'Bionic Woman' Says MMS Worked For Her on ABC7 Los Angeles" (2016)
(ignore any other weirdness you might find there — see video response below)
Note that the original YouTube video has disappeared, so this is now shown from the source website.
Here is Jim Humble's response to the above video. It is worth a read.
Jim Humble’s Response to ABC News 20/20 Program of October 29, 2016
NOTE: Due to The Great YouTube Purge, some of these videos were unethically removed by YouTube for no good reason. We will try to give an alternate source when and if possible.
Here is Mark Grenon's response to the same ABC News 20/20 Program of October 29, 2016 video.
It is worth a watch.
"G2Voice 007 Special report Mark Grenon answers ABC's Accusations 10.30.16"
• The following Quantum Leap documentary is a good, general summarization of MMS from people who are founding discoverers of MMS and have been working with it for decades. (and it still is relatively unknown, even with its MANY positive outcomes for so many people with such bad health and illness and the eventual 'curing' of those issues ("Health Restoration"))
NOTE: Due to The Great YouTube Purge, some of these videos were unethically removed by YouTube for no good reason. We will try to give an alternate source when and if possible.
"The Mind-Blowing Story of a Simple Cure for 97% of Disease" (2016)
This video is a decent overview with some good information.
(ignore any other weirdness you might find there)
• These are just a few of MANY video testimonials and informational videos that can be found on the Internet. Do your research! Check out the Testimonials page. They are interesting, fascinating, eye-opening, and perhaps most-importantly, encouraging. Do Your Due Diligence.
When It Comes Right Down To It
The fact that we have spent all of this time and energy making this website without any
expectation of financial remuneration, or recompense, or anything of the sort, (and it is quite a bit of work)
should be a CLUE as to how important we think this information is and why it should be shared
with the world. To not do so would be wrong. And so we are. We're obviously not "doing it for our
health" (just using it for our health), we are simply spreading the word to others to help them
better their health and achieve Health Restoration.
We can only hope that people are able to get past any "hangups" (that we all have) and actually
seriously consider incorporating MMS in their health regimen so they can experience it for
themselves and see what it can do for them. You WILL most likely be VERY surprised and happy, if
not joyful, with the results.
(EVEN those who think they are already "healthy" — the reality is that you are most likely
fairly toxic and in need of detox — and then who knows what kind of positive, unexpected
results you will see, and/or nip any unknown 'brewing' health issues in the bud, which is the
point with "maintenance usage")
This is what the MMS Protocols are all about.
The next step is to learn about the usage of the MMS Protocols to achieve Health Restoration (next page):