
Old and Gray
The Old Gray Lady (and Mare) just ain't what she used to be.
Non-Fake News
All the News that's fit to print.
Truth-based. Reality-based. Fact-based.
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This site is under continuous (re-) construction, update, & modification.
ANY and ALL parts should be considered under review and in a state of flux
and NOT necessarily 'the FINAL wording', and should be received and
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Do not go gentle into that good night, ...
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

— Dylan Thomas

preloader In A Nutshell

Introduction and Explanatia —
A Grassroots Health Revolution Movement


Disclaimer:   Read it!
(access to this website & information is contingent upon acceptance of these terms & conditions, whether you read and/or understand them, or not — if you choose to not read them, or ignore this message, or if you somehow do not see this notification, that is implicit and explicit agreement on your part anyway)


There Is No Reason for You To Be Unhealthy


Feedback on this site's content, preferably in the form of Constructive Criticism, would be much appreciated. But we'll take what we can get.

WATCH this short video! Explanation follows.


    Since there is so much negativity and related reactions and responses to this information, exacerbated by misinformation, disinformation, and outright propaganda, by various unethical and nefarious persons, groups, organizations, and agencies (some with OBVIOUS agendas), plus understandable interested-individual doubts of various kinds, we decided to include this video "testimonial" at the top of the homepage.
    Above is a very interesting personal report by a well known American actress, Lindsay Wagner (of "Bionic Woman" fame), on the efficacy of "MMS" / CDS / CD / ClO2 in helping to achieve Health Restoration from an egregious disease that mainstream doctors and hospitals could barely alleviate, much less cure.
    If it does not invoke a reaction of "Hmmm... That is REALLY interesting.", and encourage further open-minded scrutiny and serious consideration, then you will just have to go away and you and those you care about will just have to be UNNECESSARILY sick & ill, and/or die.
    It is definitely too often a "You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make it drink" scenario. More's the pity. Very sad and unfortunate for those who choose to go that route. You were SO close....
    Others continue on and enjoy bettering your health and being healthy using simple, low-cost treatments that are more efficacious than almost anything else. I suppose you are, apparently, the "lucky ones". (although LUCK has very little to do with it all)

    NOTE that the "making her sick" references are well known simple Herxheimer Reactions of temporary, short-term, and usually-slight upset stomach and similar issues that MAY occur if you try to detox too much too quickly. (and can occur with ALL detoxification treatments, including mainstream doctor-prescribed pharmaceutical detoxes, juice cleanses, usage of Activated Charcoal, etc...)
More information about this video testimonial can be found on the MMS Protocols page at Videos: Testimonials and More Information.

Absolute Fact:   The #1 Cause of Death (COD) in the U.S. & around the World is "iatrogenic" — Death by Doctors, Nurses, Hospitals, Medical Professionals & Practitioners, making egregious medical mistakes, almost all in the practice of Allopathic Medicine, Symptomatology Treatment Techniques, and/or "Prescribed Pharmaceutical Medications" (and 'Treatments') — that is why they are required to carry Malpractice Insurance, and good luck collecting on that for yourself or loved ones.
And that does not include non-fatal mistakes, which obviously are MUCH greater in number. (a viable & reality-based conclusion based on simple common sense, statistical probabilities, and 'knowing the way the world works', and people work, think, act and behave)
(some like to claim that is a Fiction, but all of them have an obvious agenda — some like to claim it is 'only' #3 (after Heart Disease & Cancer), others #8, and others still 'MAYBE in the Top 10')

•• A Personal Note from the Webmaster:   One of the primary reasons I created this website was because I wish something like this existed when I needed help. A near-single source with all of the needed information to help me achieve Health Restoration from egregious health issues, for myself, my family, my friends, my companion animals, and then for anyone and everyone with whom I came into contact who was having health issues.
   Instead, I had to search and research across the InterWebs [sic] for dozens of hours and many days, studying many different alternative health therapies, protocols, methodologies, and "Home Remedies", until I finally discovered "MMS" (CD / ClO2 / Chlorine Dioxide / MMS1 & more), and realized what it was and what it did. (was purported and reported to do)
   And then dozens of more hours studying and more research to make sure I was informed and educated enough to make a valid decision, one way or the other, as to its efficacy, whether it was "real", was it SAFE, and should I try it.
   "Luckily", I was correct in my determination, which I discovered after using it and having my health bettered to a rather extreme degree and manner. So I gathered and coalesced all of that information here to help others and make it easier on them. On you.

This website is an Information Nexus, Portal, and starting point regarding the Therapeutic and Prophylactic use of a Natural "Home Remedy", namely MMS (MMS1 / CDS / CD / ClO2 / Chlorine Dioxide, & MMS2 and other natural protocols), AND the McVegan Dietary Lifestyle, all used to promote, achieve, and maintain Health Restoration through detoxification and healthy living.
This is collectively known as CHP – The Clean Health Protocol, the efficacy of which is unparalleled when compared to all other similar health-based regimens, protocols, & treatments and detoxes & cleanses, AND "modern day" medicinal healing. It truly is A Grassroots Health Revolution Movement.

For a quick list of some of the illnesses, diseases, disorders, and health issues that these protocols help with, click here, and then return here to learn more.

REMEMBER:   "MMS" does NOT "cure" you (in the "medicinal sense") – It is NOT a "medicine" — It simply super-detoxes your body, most probably better than all other detoxification processes, procedures, and treatments, allowing your body to naturally heal itself, as it will almost always do when Toxins and Pathogens are removed from the equation. Toxins and Pathogens are the primary and fundamental cause for poor and bad health and illness and disease, including most chronic and acute illness. (which includes bacteria, viruses, parasites, heavy metals, poisons, toxins, molds & fungi, etc...)

This is our viewpoint on the State of
the COVID-19 Death pEndemic
and Masking in 2023
(and probably beyond, for who knows how long):

There is a very good documentary about Chlorine Dioxide (ClO2 / MMS / CDS / CD) titled The Universal Antidote. It is a documentary that I/we wish we/I had made. If you learn better from video media, it is a very good source, though fairly long. But everyone who is interested in this subject should watch this documentary. There is also an accompanying Interactive Reference Guidebook PDF document for free download. The Universal Antidote Video


 • Some New-Found Facts & Information of Interest

Additionally: The TRUTH about Chlorine Dioxide (ClO2 / MMS / CDS / CD)
NOTICE:   A government study on the National Center for Biotechnology Information website from 1982 titled Controlled clinical evaluations of chlorine dioxide, chlorite and chlorate in man, has been found that PROVES that Chlorine Dioxide (ClO2 / MMS / CDS / CD) is NOT harmful to humans when ingested.
As we have mentioned elsewhere, the safety AND efficacy of Chlorine Dioxide in combating disease and illness has been KNOWN since at least the 1980s. Any minimally decent investigation, study, and research bolsters and supports our claims and information presented on this website, and completely and totally REFUTES the erroneous claims of detractors, attackers, and others of that ilk. (and this is merely one of MANY scientific and medical information sources that can be found on the Internet World Wide Web that all come to the same or similar conclusions)
STUDY QUOTE:   "However, by the absence of detrimental physiological responses within the limits of the study, the relative safety of oral ingestion of chlorine dioxide and its metabolites, chlorite and chlorate, was demonstrated."

AND:   A Review Article in Volume 15:S1, 2021 of the Journal of Molecular and Genetic Medicine was recently published, titled Determination of the Effectiveness of Chlorine Dioxide in the Treatment of COVID 19, which states as its conclusions: "The results overall (p <0.05) demonstrate the hypothesis that chlorine dioxide is effective in the treatment of COVID 19.
Conclusion: Chlorine dioxide is effective in the treatment of COVID 19 and the mechanisms of action by which it acts to achieve it are proposed in this work. We recommend doing more research. We recommend conducting double-blind studies and delving into studies of toxicological safety and therapeutic efficacy of chlorine dioxide in pathologies of epidemiological impact in the near future."
But, of course "we" already knew this to be true.


 • And Now For The Rest Of The Story

We are the bearer of Good News!
To wit, the Compelling Efficacy of the use of MMS/CDS/CD/ClO2 in the treatment of illness and disease, resulting in Health Restoration. And similarly, the use and implementation of the McVegan Dietary Lifestyle to help achieve the same.

Via CHP – The Clean Health Protocol, there is no need to fear Cancer or most other egregious, fatal, terminal, and chronic illnesses and diseases anymore, and that, of course, includes most/all of the "lesser" illnesses and diseases, as well.

Through the two Sub-Protocols discussed here, MMS ("Master Mineral Solution"), and the McVegan Dietary Lifestyle, detox your toxic self, and experience the "miracle" as you allow your body to heal itself. Which it will almost always do, if you allow it to do so. (sometimes with a little help, of course)

The Big V -- (COVID-19 / SARS-CoV-2 CoronaVirus) This includes the 2019–2022 Novel Coronavirus, COVID-19 / SARS-CoV-2. There are already MANY anecdotal testimonials to the efficacy of MMS Restoring the Health of people infected with COVID-19. MMS is most likely the ONLY ('known') therapeutic treatment for COVID-19. And the fact that MMS is safe (afawct) and cheap is icing on the cake. See the Testimonials page for more information, encouragement, and ease of mind, if you need it.

This Health Restoration reality is true for almost everyone, almost all the time, for almost everything that ails us. Hard to believe, we know, but we will make a believer out of you, as you make a believer out of yourself — with RESULTS that can only be described as beyond amazing, as THOUSANDS of people have experienced.

Open your mind, give it a chance, and Be Well. What have you got to lose?

FYI & FTR: Here is a short list of personally experienced and closely observed Health Benefits from MMS (so far; amplified, enhanced, and accompanied by the McVegan Dietary Lifestyle):

This, and so much more, is what CHP does, and can do for you.

And it does it very cheaply. All for WELL less than $100 initial investment for the MMS. (depending on type, and other product choices) About $35 of that is the one-time cost for the reference book. And then usually well-less than $50 per year for maintenance. If we sold it, or made any money on it ourselves, we would offer a 100% money-back guarantee refund. That is how much we "believe" in it.

And the McVegan Dietary Lifestyle also helps achieve these ends. It is a well-known food-based regimen that promotes health in human beings, proposed by Dr. John McDougall.

Here is a Preface Addendum that explains a few things.

Preface:  A personal note to start, for reassurance and encouragement, about "The 'Miracle' of CHP – The Clean Health Protocol".

CHP is part of a quickly growing Grassroots Health Revolution Movement .

This includes its sub-protocols, MMS (Master Mineral Solution), aka CD (Chlorine Dioxide + more), or the "Amber Herb" (my term), as well as the McVegan Dietary Lifestyle.

I may or may not be "wise", but I do have a genius-level IQ (+/-), not that that necessarily means anything, and in its own way is neither here nor there, as they say, but it doesn't mean 'nothing' either. I simply mention it to make the point that I am not some I-don't-know-what (?) who is talking about something he knows nothing about and is not "qualified" to talk about it. Any negative or derogatory thoughts down those lines would be FAR from the truth and reality of the situation.

Arguably, I am not as sharp as I was 30 or 40 years ago +/-, and my memory is not as good as it used to be, but I still "do better" than most people I know, meet, come into contact with, interact with, etc.... So at least there's that.

I am very well-read, highly objective, intellectually skeptical, have very strong Logic and Critical Thinking skills, and an extensive knowledge of, and keen interest in, science. (in a mostly hobbyist / lay-person-ish sense) Basically a 'scientific mind'. I had 'always' planned on becoming a scientist of some sort when I 'grew up', and I did become an Information Scientist. ("computer stuff")

And I have many years of self-study & learning about, and personal use & implementation of, Alternative Medicine and Treatments, Naturopathic Medicine, Wholistic & Holistic concepts, Herbology, and "Home Remedies". Basically the gamut of Natural & Complementary Medicinal Self-Treatment, Techniques, Methodologies, Therapies, & Philosophies, and related concepts. As well as Nutritional & Dietary Health Information. All in a Lay-Person sense & implementation. As one should, this is often augmented by Traditional Conventional Western Allopathic Medicine when needed.

    — BTW, DO NOT shy away from the concept of "Home Remedy", or allow any negative thoughts or feelings about them dissuade you from allowing this information to help you achieve Health Restoration. Some Home Remedies work very well, and what we discuss here is one of them / some of them.

Therefore, when I am talking about something, you can rest assured that I am most likely speaking from a very strong knowledge-based and well-informed viewpoint. I take a bit of pride in that fact. And then throw in a goodly dose of Science-oriented Objective Skepticism, and there really isn't much to complain about. (though people will and do – imo in an invalid, erroneous, and mistaken manner)

I have done a large amount of research, investigation, study, and learning on and about MMS — hundreds of hours; I know more about the subject than I ever wanted to know; that research continues. At this point, I am about as much of a lay-expert on the subject as a person can be.

Rest assured that I would NOT personally use something that I thought might harm me, and I definitely would not use something on my companion animals (or my sister or brothers, friends, etc.; note the listing order there) that might cause harm, or "suggest" that others use something that might harm them.
(In ALL Things, First, Do No Harm)

In my opinion, MMS is as safe as I can imagine something like it can be, and possibly or probably even MUCH safer than that. (and almost absolutely safer than most traditional / mainstream "medicines" and "treatments" — you've seen the commercial advertisements on TV – "Side effects include possible sudden death, anal leakage, blindness, and....")
MMS is almost definitely safe for human consumption and use, well Beyond A Reasonable Doubt, if not Beyond A Shadow of A Doubt, with basically ZERO negative side-effects.

And its efficacy seems to be unparalleled. (it literally seems to stand alone in that regard — if I 'believed' in such things, I would seriously consider referring to it as an honest-to-gods "Miracle Cure" — it is most likely the only thing we will ever find that seems to deserve that designation – this is not close to exaggeration, overstatement, or hyperbole)

The proof is in the pudding, as they say. If MMS was hurtful or harmful or anything of the sort, I would be hurt or harmed by it, as much as I've taken it over the last several years, instead of bettered health, increasingly better health, and Health Restoration. And the same would be true for literally thousands, if not tens of thousands, possibly hundreds of thousands, of other people, all around the world. There's a "Clue" for you.

BUT, DO NOT just trust me and take my word for it. Read, research, investigate, study, learn. Educate yourself. Become informed, aware, and knowledgeable, so YOU can have an informed opinion and make informed decisions and choices about YOUR Health.
Exercise your personal responsibility. Do Your Due Diligence.

( And while you do so, BEWARE the lies, propaganda, misinformation and disinformation spouted by pseudo-intellectuals, sub-intellectuals and agenda-mongers (and some outright fear-mongers and scare-mongers) who will try to misinform you, and steer you wrong, and who DO NOT have your best interests at heart, no matter how loudly they exclaim or proclaim otherWise. I don't mean to be mean, but they really are mostly sad, unfortunate & pathetic, hyper-ignorant, myopic, petty, troglodyte simpletons, at BEST. I could use some other choice words for them (partly deserved by them because they are ACTIVELY hurting people through their hyper-ignorance and worse, and hidden and not-so-hidden agendas — for some of them it even seems to be some sort of an ignominious hobby, of sorts), but I will refrain from doing so (here). Skepticism and objectivity are good things, but ONLY when they are used for good and in good ways. It is of utmost importance that you are warned about this very sad state of affairs and these unfortunate people. You have been forewarned. Don't try to say I didn't warn you. )

And, in case you were wondering or concerned, I have absolutely no financial interest in or association with MMS, et al. (I expand on that in the disclaimer, which you should read) It is important to me that I have NO Conflict of Interest, and I take great pains to insure that is true. The fact that I have created this website (dozens of hours) and done all of this work without any, or any thought or expectation of, or interest in, remuneration, recompense, reward, or anything of the sort, should be a clue as to what I really think about MMS. (and the McVegan Dietary Lifestyle)

That said (with all due humility, in case you didn't notice and/or weren't paying attention — it's a joke, son, don't fall on your sword), read on...

(note that you might have to 'pardon my sense of humor' here and there — and, I suppose if, by chance, you think I am being "arrogant", or "egotistical", or something like that, try to let it go and do not let that negatively affect you and your chances at being Healthy and Well — don't sweat the small stuff and concentrate and focus on what is really important – Your Health and Well-Being)

Uno momento, por favor...
I hope you will agree to a "Contract" of sorts, that simply states that WHEN — NOT if – When CHP helps you Restore Your Health, you will incessantly, vociferously, and vocally sing its praises as I have done here and Spread the Word far and wide to anyone and everyone you know, or meet, or with whom you come into contact (whether they will listen or not). It is not anywhere close to too much to ask.
PLEASE Pay It Foward.
We have a world to help be healthy, after all, as well as the alleviation of so much completely unnecessary pain, suffering, agony, misery, and death. It's no small task, but it is very doable. And it is apparently up to us to do it. And, yes, WE CAN.



 • HOW and WHY You Should Be Healthy

Follow Your Heart & Mind for Health NOTE:   There is a lot of information presented here. This site is information rich and information dense.

Do not let that dissuade you or negatively affect your learning about it. Scan the text quickly if you must. Then read parts that seem of particular interest. Then go back and re-scan and re-read.

Take it in minute-by-minute. Hour-by-hour. Day-by-day. As slow or fast as you want to or can. In small chunks or large.

Do what needs to be done so that you become aware, informed, knowledgeable, and educated, and then hopefully make informed choices and decisions based on informed opinions that will Restore Your Health. (or ensure continued health as a maintenance routine for those who are currently 'healthy' (though most probably toxic to some degree))

THINK:   What would happen if you cut your finger and it never healed? Or you broke a bone and it never mended? Or you caught a cold or flu and they never went away, making you live with bad health for years, or made you sicker and sicker until you died?
We EXPECT these things to heal.

It's what the human body does. Our bodies are "designed" to heal when hurt. (in the biological and physiological senses) And that includes most all diseases, illnesses, and health 'issues', even the "egregious" and severe ones like Cancer and others. Including many or most of those that are seemingly or supposedly "incurable", fatal, and terminal. (you actually "get cancer" literally every day – your body immune system just removes it)

(Note that there is no found information (or, of course, studies) of radiation-based cancers and "MMS treatment" — all (or most all) cancers are viral-based, which is why MMS works on them — we can only assume that MMS would help with non-viral cancers, but how much compared to 'normal' viral-based cancers is not known, afawk)

Your body will naturally heal itself, if you are not (too) toxic and have a decent or good immune system, and one that is not suppressed and/or overburdened with too much to do, AND when there is nothing specifically attacking it, and which needs to be removed. (viruses, pathogens, infections, and other toxicity, etc...) Therein lies the problem. That is, and these are, the fundamental source of most all illness, with 'toxicity' often as the root cause.

(whether you are currently showing signs, or 'working on it' and not yet "ill" (e.g. cancer, which generally takes 20 to 30 years to manifest as it grows) — it is not black and white, it is varying shades of gray — and it is better to do something about it early on rather than wait until it is egregious and undeniable and you can't ignore it anymore, or it is beyond obvious that 'something is wrong' — An Ounce Of Prevention Is Worth A Pound Of Cure, etc....)

Toxicity Alert Your body is TOXIC if:
  1)  it is contaminated with chemical and other toxins, heavy metals, and/or other poisons, via the air, water, soil/ground, food, product usage, and/or other exposure of some sort (from your living location, workplace exposure, your vehicle, walking down the street (especially barefoot), etc.);
  2)  it is infected with disease-causing bacteria, viruses, parasites, and/or certain / most molds and/or fungi, and/or other pathogens;
  3)  it has inflammation and/or pain;
  4)  it is being affected by disease, illness, sickness, 'toxicity', etc... (most likely, in most cases);
  5)  you are reading this   (most likely and in all probability — that is, we are ALL "toxic" to some level or degree in one or more ways most of the time, and that WILL have a negative affect on your health, now, and/or in the future – unless you do something about it)

The information presented to you here will help you detoxify and cleanse your body of toxins and pathogens, allowing it to then heal itself naturally, as it was meant to function. You do not have to be unhealthy, sick, ill, dying, or near death!   (almost everyone, almost all of the time)

 • DETOXification Promotes Health

Detox and BE Healthy! What we will be talking about here are MMS (Master Mineral Solution) and the McVegan Dietary Lifestyle. Both ways to Detox to get well and stay well.

There is so much anecdotal (and empirical) evidence of MMS causing and helping to achieve Health Restoration for people (and other animals) it is (almost) unbelievable. MMS, or Chlorine Dioxide (CD/ClO2), technically MMS1, is a Super-Detox. It is an antibiotic, antiviral, antimicrobial, antibacterial, antifungal, antiseptic, anti-parasite, and anti-toxicity and anti-pathogen agent. For all intents and purposes, it is best seen and thought of as an "Home Remedy".

And similarly for the McVegan Dietary Lifestyle, although, since Dr. McDougall is an actual medical doctor, his claims and achievements generally hold more weight, as one can imagine and understand. (although he has his detractors and such, as well, which is typical) It is a strict plant-based diet that helps achieve and maintain optimal health for a Human Being. All you have to do is "eat right".

However, although the McVegan Dietary Lifestyle is important, focus firstly and most importantly on MMS. Keep that in mind as you read on.

(not to 'disparage' McVeganism, it truly is vitally important to your overall and continued health, but MMS generally works faster in most cases and tends to be more efficacious in all/most instances, where McVeganism MIGHT work better and/or faster for some people than others, like other treatments and the like tend to work — MMS stands in a category and class all of its own in all or most regards)

NOTE that there are many different methods of detoxification (cleanses, juicing, etc.), but it seems that NONE come close to working as well as MMS does for literally every body. It really does stand in a category and class of its own in that respect. Its efficacy seems to be unparalleled. If (when?) you experience what MMS does for you (and/or others you personally know), you will see and understand that as a fundamental truth.

Can it really be THAT simple? Yes, it can. And it is. It works! And it works very well, for almost everyone, for almost everything. Read on... and Be Well.

You Are Hereby Health-Empowered

Health-Empowerment Theoretically, or perhaps better said, technically, everything you need for most everyone reading this to be healthy is presented here on this website, which is its primary function: to make you aware and informed, and to help educate you, so that you can have an informed opinion and make informed decisions and choices. We will endeavor to do our best in that regard. The rest is up to you.

It may sound a little strange to hear and read, or even think, but being unhealthy is not a natural state of being. Being unhealthy is very unnatural.

This concept is supposedly obvious to the point of being self-evident, however, when you stop and think about it, it probably does seem a little strange concept-wise because of the world in which we find ourselves living, surrounded by so much ill health, for ourselves and so many others.

Think about it. We actually almost come to expect it at some point. And that is not right. Most of us ignore it until we can no longer ignore it. But it's better to think about it beforehand and be active and proactive than have to deal with it after-the-fact. And, if you find yourself in an unnatural unhealthy state, you should do whatever you can to get "back to normal".

Preferably without causing yourself even more harm, or pain, or suffering, in the short term or long term. That would be the ideal, of course. But that is often easier said then done, especially in this allopathic / western / mainstream medicine SICK-care system we find ourselves in. (especially in the United States of America — AND with "BIG Pharma", the Medical Industrial Complex, and the Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex, and their BILLIONS and BILLIONS of dollars of greedy, profit-based thinking, beliefs, and behaviors, which too often go against the well-being of people and against the best interests of people)

 • Beware the "Worked for you" Conundrum

Hope Springs Eternal People who have looked for and tried many different alternative health and healing methodologies, and the like, sometimes find themselves becoming a bit jaded and cynical when those things do not work for them, or only work to a degree.

Others claim them as panacea and miraculous, but, for whatever reason(s), they do not work for you, or do not work as well for you as they seem to work for others. This is hyper-typical. So you try another. And another. And another. Some might work a little, some not at all. And you can't help but wonder WHY they don't work for you.

So you feel like just giving up. "Apparently, they are all fake", or "it was some kind of placebo effect", or, who knows what... And "Maybe they just didn't work for what ails me. (my 'bad luck')" This is quite common.

Which is why what we have discovered and are going to tell you about here is so unusual and just plain extraordinary. (plus the fact that they are very inexpensive, to boot)

You will hear people make statements like, "I'm glad you found something that works for you." The one nice and wonderful thing we have discovered in regard to the two healing paths discussed here, is that we have never found any "it didn't work for me" reviews or reports. (literally ZERO) Which is pretty much unheard of. And if these did not work for some people, we would hear about it. People are very vocal about things they try not working for them, and that is especially true when they are claimed to work so well for so many others. And after they have tried so many of them, as well.

THAT is one of the primary reasons why we have decided to let you know about these two approaches. So, as you read through the information presented here, try to put aside those feelings and thoughts (if you have them, or too much jaded and cynical skepticism and the like, etc.) and understand and believe that this will almost absolutely work for you, and not just a little, but will most likely "heal" you and make you "well". (i.e. allow your body to heal itself and allow you to be healthy and well, and Restore Your Health — NOTE that we do usually try to stay away from using words like 'heal', 'cure', 'medicine', etc., when referring to "MMS", and prefer Alternative Natural Home Remedy and Health Restoration)

Either way, please let us know about your results. We would like to keep track of how many people we help. Though we do not expect to receive any 'negative' reports. And consider offering a testimonial for publication on our Testimonials page. These will help encourage others. We are all in this together. Spread the word! (especially after you get good health results so you can testify as to how amazingly well CHP, The Clean Health Protocol, works)

Your Health Journey Begins Now

Begin by learning more about CHP (The Clean Health Protocol).

This is the business-sized card we made to hand out to people:
[Click for larger image]

A Spoonful of Medicine Business-sized Card

Take NOTE:   It is now 'our' opinion that it is a literal Crime Against Humanity that this information about the efficacy of MMS seems to be, or absolutely is, being actively suppressed by "someone" — Governments, Governmental Agencies, BIG Pharma, the Medical Industrial Complex, the Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex, etc.... And/or Simple Human Ignorance and/or Self-Destructive & Self-Sabotaging Thinking, Beliefs and/or Behaviors.
It is now known that this information has been known about for literally DECADES (since at least the 1980s). And in that time MILLIONS upon MILLIONS, tens of millions, if not hundreds of millions, of people – men, women, the elderly, boys, girls, teens, babies – children of all ages – all around the world, have been UNNECESSARILY unhealthy, sick, ill, dying, near death, and have needlessly suffered and died. (too many, if not most, painfully and agonizingly so)
This is not overstated, it is not an exaggeration, and it is not hyperbole. And, if it is true, and it most definitely seems to be, if not absolutely is, then it is a Crime Against Humanity.
It is a literal Medical Holocaust and an Health Holocaust.

You do not have to be unhealthy, sick, ill, dying, or near death (almost everyone, almost all of the time), barring some extreme or egregious scenarios (examples might be Type-I Diabetes and other genetic diseases), or, obviously, if you have reached your natural life span at some older age, or have some extreme or egregious physical or mental injury or incapacity, etc... • And the same goes for your companion animals. • Most of these "seemingly" extreme or egregious health issues, some of which are thought to be "incurable" and/or fatal/terminal, seem to be able to be "cured" (or helped / improved, and even damage-reversed) using the information provided on this website (introduced and explained briefly here, and linked to elsewhere for in-depth reading, study and research). This includes life-threatening and incapacitating diseases, illnesses, and related health issues. (NOTE that we try to not use the "cure word", and in stead like to use "Health Restoration") • These health issues include, as an incomplete list, COVID-19, Flus, Common Cold, Cancers (most/all), autism spectrum disorder (ASD), diabetes, fibromyalgia, lupus, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), human HIV (cat FIV), hepatitis 'X', Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Crohn's, colitis, stomach ulcers (and other ulcerative problems around the body), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), most allergies, eczema, psoriasis, acne and other skin issues, heart disease, COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) & other lung disease, high blood pressure, hypertension and related illnesses, asthma, arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis / rheumatism, Lyme's disease, viral and bacteriological infections, parasites, molds and fungal infections, migraines, traumatic brain injury (TBI) and other neurological disorders, various canine, feline, and other non-human animal health issues, and MANY (/MOST) others. • AND you will just naturally lose weight and be a healthy weight for your body type and size. (if you decide to incorporate the McVegan Dietary Lifestyle, as well) • Some can be cured by dietary changes alone, and others (may/probably) need some help. (each person is similar, yet different) But MOST people are highly toxic and are in need of detoxification by using the CHP (MMS+) Protocols (which is the primary focus of this website). • That is what the empirical and anecdotal information suggests. And, anecdotal evidence known to be what it is, and obviously not as good as empirical evidence, do not let that dissuade you from seriously considering it and actively looking into it, because not all anecdotal evidence is 'bad' or wrong or invalid or unusable. Use your Universe-given brain and expansive mind to become aware, knowledgeable, and informed, so you can have an informed opinion, and make informed decisions and choices.
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